
maybe we investigate telling them to use alternate image as that does not
use zram in the setup?



On 9 November 2015 at 09:45, Nio Wiklund <> wrote:

> Hi Phill,
> Is this something for you? To mention that people should swapoff (to
> turn off zram) in order to install Lubuntu with encryption (via the
> desktop iso files).
> Or maybe it is already mentioned somewhere in the Lubuntu wiki/help
> pages, in that case where?
> Best regards
> Nio
> -------- Vidarebefordrat meddelande --------
> Ämne:   Re: a request
> Datum:  Sun, 8 Nov 2015 23:10:44 -0800
> Från:   Tom Cloyd <>
> Till:   Nio Wiklund <>
> Nio,
> Thanks for your suggestions. I do understand the volunteer thing, as I
> give my own professional services away for free a great deal - to folks
> who simply couldn't otherwise afford them.
> I do appreciate what all of you do, in spite of my voiced frustration.
> Really!
> I'll follow up on your suggestions if my current gambit doesn't do the
> trick.
> Regarding the swapoff issue, might it make sense for some mention of
> this to be made on wiki? Just a thought. It's a gotcha that's got me a
> number of times. :)
> Tom
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 10:51 PM, Nio Wiklund <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi again Tom,
>     We are all volunteers. If you want professional service, please use
>     a commercial operating system.
>     That said, I'll try to reply inline (below).
>     Best regards
>     Nio
>     Den 2015-11-09 kl. 06:25, skrev Tom Cloyd:
>     > I wish to register a protest: I'm still trying to get Lubuntu (LB)
>     to do
>     > what it says it CAN do - namely install to a hard drive, setting it
> up
>     > as an encrypted LVM drive.
>     >
>     > After multiple failures with an 15.04 ISO disk, and then an 15.10
>     > alternate ISO, I'm now trying it with a new 15.10 desktop ISO - the
>     > version I actually want to install.
>     >
>     > At the beginning one has the option of trying out LB or going
> directly
>     > to an install; I took the latter option. Quite a ways into the
>     install,
>     > after every option is set, and the actual install is about to happen,
>     > there is this unfortunate error message which stops the whole
>     process. I
>     > wrote about this in my initial email about my installation problems:
>     >
>     > /I got an "Unsafe swap space detected" error message. This makes no
>     > sense to me.LB is running in ram. It's installing to a clean HD. WHAT
>     > swap is being talked about?
>     >
>     > I tried again, this time starting LB from the DVD, and then
> initiating
>     > the install to the USB HD. Same result.
>     >
>     > The error message says that I must "disable the swap space (e.g., by
>     > running swapoff) or configure an encrypted swap space and then run
>     setup
>     > of encrypted volumes again."
>     >
>     > So, I call up lxterminal and execute sudo swapoff -a./
>     The ubiquity installer has an issue with zram. You have to turn it off
>     (which you did) for this option (installing with encryption) to work.
>     > This is clearly a programming issue. If an error message like that
>     is to
>     > be issued, there needs to be immediate access to a command line so it
>     > can be fixed. To have to halt the installation, losing the work it
>     took
>     > to get to this point, then issue the command (which by the way is NOT
>     > "swapoff" but "sudo swapoff -a". as one discovers after more hills
> and
>     > valleys), then nuts.
>     >
>     > But that's what I did, again. Which brings me to this, also
> previously
>     > encountered - and I quote again from my initial email of October 18:
>     >
>     > /"Volume group name already in use. The volume group name used to
>     > automatically partition using LVM is already in use. Lowering the
>     > priority for configuration questions will allow you to specify an
>     > alternative name."
>     >
>     > I have no idea what this means./
>     Maybe there is some information on the target drive, that is confusing
>     the installer.
>     If that is causing your problem, it should work after you wipe the
> first
>     megabyte of the target drive and create a new partition table. You can
>     do that with the command line tool 'dd' plus the GUI tool 'gparted', or
>     safer with 'mkusb version 10.3' via
>     ppa:mkusb/unstable
>     and use the 'wipe menu'.
>     > I really dislike cryptic error message. "Lowering the priority..."
>     Huh?
>     > AND, there's this: Since this is an install which wipes the target
>     disk,
>     > there IS no volume group name at the beginning. So it's not just
>     > cryptic, it's wrong.
>     >
>     > I really like Lubuntu, AND I truly need a fully encrypted
>     installation,
>     > OS and all. The attempt to do it on a USB hard drive is just a
>     proof of
>     > concept, to show it can be done. But it can't, at least by me, so
>     far. I
>     > did it with 15.04 on my netbook but after that it's been all
> failures.
>     >
>     > I can't afford the time costs here. I hope there's a fix
>     somewhere, but
>     > meanwhile I'm looking for another path - maybe Ubuntu itself (then
>     strip
>     > it down to Lubuntu?) or a Mint version. I need something that works.
>     >
>     > Any and all idea anyone has are most welcome!
>     >
>     > Tom
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human
> soul." ~Joseph Addison
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Tom Cloyd, MS MA LMHC (WA)
> Psychotherapist (psychological trauma, dissociative disorders)
> Spokane, Washington, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
> << <> >> (email)
> << >> (website)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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