Here's the logs of the catch up with the Community Council (note, this
includes the WHOLE meeting and starts with MATE):
 * in [colorific form][1] but continues on past the end of the meeting
 * in [meetingology text form][2], including meeting summaries and such

If you guys have been paying attention here, there should be no surprises.
Some unique ideas that are perhaps on the horizon, though:
 * it was suggested that the boss look into using Ubuntu Core Apps for LXQt
since they supposedly have removed the Unity dependency— more research
needs to be done
 * it was suggested that we invite the Lubuntu Team to do a Community Q&A
session, which is a very visible Ubuntu On Air session. time is a bit rough
for me, but i'm going to see what I can do to make it happen. unless
someone else wants to head it up? Tuesday 1500 UTC.


@wxl |
Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
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