---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iberê Fernandes <ibere.fernan...@gmail.com>
Date: 2013/10/18
Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-qa] [Lubuntu-comms] Lubuntu 13.10 is Released !!
To: Pierre Gobin <lubu...@pierregobin.fr>
Cc: lubuntu users mailing list <lubuntu-us...@lists.ubuntu.com>

2013/10/18 Pierre Gobin <lubu...@pierregobin.fr>

>  Le 18/10/2013 17:51, Iberê Fernandes a écrit :
> 2013/10/18 Pierre Gobin <lubu...@pierregobin.fr>
>>  Indeed, I reproduce this bug. Is there a bug report somewhere ?
>> Le 18/10/2013 13:58, Iberê Fernandes a écrit :
>> Congratulations to all the Lubuntu team that made 13.10 possible.
>>  Question once I  was not able to test the final release yet: could
>> anybody reproduce the following behaviour quoted from Webup8 article?
>>  "
>>    - XScreensaver has been removed (LightDM is now used for screen
>>    locking but there's a pretty serious bug here unless I'm missing 
>> something:
>>    if you switch to TTY7 after locking the screen - using Ctrl + Alt + 7 -,
>>    you can access the desktop without having to unlock the screen so without
>>    having to enter any password!);  "
>>  Article:
>> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/see-whats-new-in-1310-release-of.html
>>  Congrats to all again!
>>  Best regards,
>> Iberê
>>  2013/10/18 Nio Wiklund <nio.wikl...@gmail.com>
>>>  On 2013-10-18 07:26, Aere Greenway wrote:
>>> > On 10/17/2013 09:38 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> we are proud to announce the release of Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy
>>> >> Salamander). Please do release notes before installing!
>>> >>
>>> >> Head over to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu for
>>> >> details on the release and where to get hold of it.
>>> >>
>>> >> Many thanks to everyone on all the teams who ensured that 13.10 is our
>>> >> best release yet!
>>> >>
>>> >> Regards,
>>> >>
>>> >> Phill.
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> > All:
>>> >
>>> > I have put Lubuntu 13.10 on three of my test machines so far:
>>> >
>>> > 1. HP Vectra 450 megahertz 512 meg RAM
>>> > 2. HP 933 mehahertz, 512 meg RAM
>>> > 3. Dell GX-240 1.7 gigahertz, 1 gig RAM
>>> >
>>> > I have put it through my MIDI music testing on all three machines, and
>>> > it is working flawlessly.
>>> >
>>> > Best of all, this is the first Linux system I have yet seen, where it
>>> > doesn't hang if you accidentally try to use the Java Sound Synthesizer
>>> > while JACK (qjackctl) is running.  Not only that, but you can actually
>>> > play music on the Java Sound Synthesizer while JACK is running - it
>>> > actually co-exists!
>>> >
>>> > Seeing that, I checked if the Flash Player plug-in co-exists with JACK,
>>> > but it unfortunately does not.  Of course, it didn't co-exist before
>>> > (without special manual configuration changes).
>>> >
>>> > I have not experienced a single hang on this system.  This is immensly
>>> > better than the beta-test version (which was hanging in all sorts of
>>> > situations).
>>> >
>>> > Many thanks to the developers and testers of Lubuntu 13.10 - this is
>>> > great!
>>> >
>>> > I will continue testing.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Sincerely,
>>> > Aere
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>  Hi!
>>> I have found that the regression of the Intel graphics in my old IMB
>>> Thinkcentre is fixed in the released version of Lubuntu 13.10. I think
>>> it was fixed after beta 2. So the bad rendering of the default lubuntu
>>> wallpaper, 'jagged' contours, as you wrote Aere, is not there. I was
>>> really happy to find that it looks good again :-)
>>> Maybe it was solved when John's issue was solved (it was solved, wasn't
>>> it)?
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
>>> --
>>> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa
>>> Post to     : lubuntu-qa@lists.launchpad.net
>>> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa
>>> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>> --
>> Lubuntu-users mailing list
>> lubuntu-us...@lists.ubuntu.com
>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/lubuntu-users
>  Thank you for testing Pierre!
>  The closest I could find is
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1205384
>  My query was
> https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=saucy+lubuntu+LightDM&x=-498&y=-2800&memo=20&start=20
>  Pierre, would you mind open a new bug against lightdm once I'm not able
> to test 13.10 yet, pls?
>  Thank you!
> Iberê
> I don't think we have to open a new bug : it is indeed the same bug. I
> marked me as affected and added a comment.
> Regards,
> Pierre Gobin

I've just fresh installed Lubuntu saucy 13.10 and I also confirm there's a
bug on lightdm that is not locking the OS correctly.

If anybody else can reproduce the bug, please click on "this bug affects
me" at

Best regards,

Fellows from lubuntu-qa list, pls, could you check if your fresh installed
 Lubuntu 13.10 has the bug below?

If anybody else can reproduce the bug, please click on "this bug affects
me" at

Thank you!
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa
Post to     : lubuntu-qa@lists.launchpad.net
Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa
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