Blueprint changed by Sergio Meneses:

Whiteboard changed:
  [nio] +1
  [amjjawad] Am I suppose to vote? or can I vote? if yes then +1 :)
  [ibere-fernandes] is Rafael Laguna aware of that? Once I asked if his
  blog was official and he told me it was more like a personal
  [dbyentzen] +1 if ok with Rafael
- [amjjawad] [RE:] Yes, Refael is aware of this - when you assign a Blueprint 
to a Team on Launchpad and that team on Launchpad has a Mailing List then the 
whole members of the that team will receive emails every time the linked 
Blueprint will be updated :) that is why Julien has removed himself from 
Lubuntu Brainstorming team :P 
+ [amjjawad] [RE:] Yes, Refael is aware of this - when you assign a Blueprint 
to a Team on Launchpad and that team on Launchpad has a Mailing List then the 
whole members of the that team will receive emails every time the linked 
Blueprint will be updated :) that is why Julien has removed himself from 
Lubuntu Brainstorming team :P
  Beside, I have emailed the list (Lubuntu Comms) CC'ed Rafael and above all, 
he showed his full support and cooperation on previous emails, that is why I 
was motivated to go on and create this Blueprint :)
  As for that blog being kind of personal, I am afraid I disagree but even I 
can't tell the different due to the highly and great setup of that Blog ;)
+ [SergioMeneses] +1 I want to say if I want to publish a post ( in the
+ new blog ) I have to send an email with the information to Rafael or how
+ would be the process? :)

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