Blueprint changed by amjjawad:

Whiteboard changed:
  [David Yentzen] I agree.  The Lubuntu site needs to be overhauled to be
  easier to use, more informative, and more up to date.
  [vanyok] I agree with you. The website is the first thing people probably see 
even before trying a Live system. It's a "face" of a product which is Lubuntu 
OS in our case. It must look good and reflect our Lubuntu values (simplicity, 
lightweight, etc).
  (Hello from Russian Community!)
  [joern-schoenyan] Yes! As soon as possible, there should be an
  information on that 14.04 will be a LTS-release. Every few
  days I have to write it in the german forums, because not enough people
  know it.
- [amjjawad] There are some incorrect information on the Website and there
- are some missing information on the website. I have just updated the
- Work Items and the main Blueprint above so everything should be updated
- and clear now :)
+ [amjjawad] There are some incorrect information on the Website and there are 
some missing information on the website. I have just updated the Work Items and 
the main Blueprint above so everything should be updated and clear now :)
+ [Mistake]

Lubuntu Website must  be ready for an LTS Release!

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