On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 7:19 PM, Lars Noodén <lars.noo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems that sponsored ads are all the rage.  Two companies put
> together this ad and got InfoWorld to publish it:
> http://www.infoworld.com/d/wp/the-top-5-reasons-you-must-migrate-away-windows-xp-today-230527
> Could comms put something similar together on hopping off the treadmill
> completely and moving to Lubuntu/Ubuntu?  There would be two tasks:
> getting the thing written and getting it published, though
> self-publishing might make the latter easier.
> Regards,
> /Lars


The story has been available since April, 2013:

Someone just needs to contact these websites and ask them nicely to publish
a story about StartUbuntu




I have previously contacted several websites. Some have published:
Some have promised to do that but haven't yet.
Some didn't even reply back.


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