Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for your response. 

I understand your perspective, In fact, I agree with you to a certain extent. 

At first glance, the proposed solution may not appear advantageous in terms of 

However, its strengths lie more in its simplicity of deployment and flexibility 
in adjustments. 

For example, regarding the second advantage mentioned in the email 
below,**Proposal 2** allows for dynamic adjustment of calculation results 
without modifying the configuration. In comparison,would **Proposal 1** require 
manual configuration changes to achieve similar flexibility? 

Again,I truly appreciate the time you took to share your insights and hope we 
can continue this discussion.

Best Regards,


----邮件原文----发件人:Peter Psenak  <ppse...@cisco.com>收件人:Liyan Gong  
<gongli...@chinamobile.com>,Acee Lindem  <acee.i...@gmail.com>抄 送: "Les 
Ginsberg (ginsbe" <ginsb...@cisco.com>,shraddha  <shrad...@juniper.net>,lsr  
15:50:42主题:Re: [Lsr] Re: Working Group Last Call of "IGP 
FlexibleAlgorithmsReverse Affinity 
please see inline (##PP):
On 18/02/2025 04:19, Liyan Gong wrote:    
Dear           All,         

Thank         you for raising this question. 

         discussed at the IETF 121 meeting and and there were some         

As         a co-author of the draft, I appreciate the         opportunity to 
clarify and discuss it here. Also,we greatly         appreciate any further 
feedback or suggestions.      


The         draft aims to achieve the exclusion of specific nodes within a      
   Felx-Algo(FA) by introducing additional constraint calculation         


To         facilitate the discussion, let me refer to:  

-         **Proposal 1**: The existing approach where         nodes do not 
participate in FA settings.  

-         **Proposal 2**: The proposed solution described         in the draft. 


In           my view, the most fundamental difference between the two lies      
     in the decision-making process:  

-         In **Proposal 1**, the decision-making is         distributed across 
individual network devices.  

-         In **Proposal 2**, the decision-making is         centralized on the 
device performing the route calculation,         while other devices only need 
to advertise their attribute         information.       


"Proposal 2" is based on the individual nodes       advertising the admin-tag:


 "If a node
 advertises an Admin-Tag value that needs to be excluded, that node
 is removed from the Flex-Algo topology."     So it is distributed in a nature. 
And it is even worse than using     the algo participation.     With algo 
participation, if you don39t want a node to participate,     the node simply 
does not advertise anything.     With your proposal, the node needs to 
advertise the algo     participation plus the admin tag to be excluded from the 
algo.  So     it uses two advertisements that together achieve the same outcome 
as     not sending any of them.            

**Proposal           2** offers several advantages:  

1.           **Scalability**: It is more friendly to large-scale         
networks. In scenarios where multiple nodes need to be excluded,         we can 
uniformly set the attributes of these nodes and exclude         them based on 
these attributes.       


##PP       if you want nodes to be excluded from the algo, you simply do not    
   configure them to participate. How much simple that can be?

With your proposal, you have to configure them to participate and       then 
with some extra attribute that they need to advertise to be       excluded.    


2.         **Dynamic Adjustments**: It allows for         exclusion within 
specific ranges, making it more adaptable to         dynamic network changes. 
For example, a node can be excluded         when its CPU utilization exceeds 
80%, and reincluded once it         falls below this threshold.       

##PP       you can cease participation in algo in any time, based on any       
trigger (not that I recommend that), so you are not adding       anything new.  


3.         **Alignment with Admin Tag and FA concept**: Inspired         by the 
admin tag draft, we chose admin tags as the carrier for         this attribute 
information, which aligns with the idea of using         admin tags to select 
route and path.       

##PP       I see absolutely no benefit in "alignment of admin tag and FA       
concept" unless you bring any new functionality, which you clearly       



Overall,         I think **Scheme 2** not only enhances the functionality of FA 
        but also makes its deployment more flexible, aligning well with         
the current FA constraint-based path computation concept.       

##PP       Overall I think that your proposal bring no new functionality.       
Contrary, it proposes to achieve the existing functionality with       some 
extra advertisement, which makes no sense to me.    

thanks,       Peter    


Regarding         the strict order of FA computation constraints discussed in 
the         emails, I agree that a registration mechanism is necessary. This    
     draft also requires such a mechanism, and we will continue to         
follow up on IANA updates and revise the draft accordingly.


Best         Regards,



----邮件原文----         发件人:Peter Psenak  <ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>     
    收件人:Acee Lindem  <acee.i...@gmail.com>         抄 送: "Les Ginsberg 
(ginsberg)" <ginsb...@cisco.com>,shraddha  <shrad...@juniper.net>,lsr  
发送时间:2025-01-29 16:45:32         主题:[Lsr] Re: Working Group Last Call of "IGP 
Flexible Algorithms Reverse Affinity Constraint" - 
Hi Acee,
On 28/01/2025 20:14, Acee Lindem           wrote:              
Ok - I guess you             can add a         registry now if you want. I 
would, it39s a clear reference of all rules we have defined           at       
any point in time.              


We don’t have any             WG drafts         adding flex-algo rules but we 
have                     draft-gong-lsr-flex-algo-exclude-node as an individual 
            draft. I         seem to recall discussion as to whether            
 this draft is necessary         since a node could be             excluded by 
not participating in the         flex-algo.                   that draft is not 

thanks,                 Peter              


                                    On Jan 28, 2025, at 13:58, Peter Psenak     
        <ppse...@cisco.com>                 wrote:
                        Hi Acee,                                                
                 we require strict ordering - it may not                   be 
necessary now,               but in the future we                   may 
introduce something that will               need                   it, so we 
started to enforce it from day 1.                                               
                  thanks,                                 Peter                 
On 28/01/2025 19:54, Acee Lindem wrote:                                Speaking 
as WG member:                                                                   
      Hi Les, Peter, Shraddha,                                                  
                      On Jan 24, 2025, at 10:34 AM,                             
            Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>                        
                        I have reviewed the draft and                       
support moving ahead                   with                       publishing 
this as an RFC.                                                                 
                The primary use case is well                       described in 
Section 3 of                   the                       draft. Note this is 
NOT, as some folks have                                         mistakenly 
inferred from the draft                       title,  aimed at                  
 multicast RPF                       use cases.                                 
                                                As regards the evolving set of  
                     rules for flex-algo                                        
 calculations, I think the current model of adding                       an     
              appendix with the full list                       of updated 
rules is                   problematic.                                         
We now have three documents                       which define rules:           
                                                                      RFC 9350  
                                              Each document is accurate based   
                    on the rules defined                   at the time          
             of publication.                                         But as 
each document is                       published - with potentially             
                            more on the way - it becomes difficult to know      
                 which                   is the "latest".                       
                  Readers of one document might                       not be 
aware of the                   other                       documents.           
the authors of the two                       drafts above could                 
  consider                       introducing an IANA Registry which has the     
                                    ordered list of rules (and appropriate      
                 references for                   each) so that                 
      there is one source of truth.                                         
Each document would then simply                       specify the updates to    
               the IANA                       registry.                         
             I don39t think we need this, since all the interface               
                      constraints need to be satisfied for                     
an interface to                 used in a given flex                     
algorithm, I don39t see that the                                     ordering 
of the rules is important.                                                      
                   Maybe the text in the two flex-algo                     
drafts which are                 going to progress                     and be 
published shouldn39t imply                                     strict ordering. 
                     -----Original Message-----                                 
            From: Acee Lindem <acee.i...@gmail.com>                             
                Sent: Thursday, January 16,                         2025 11:03 
AM                                             To: lsr <lsr@ietf.org>           
                       Subject: [Lsr] Working Group                         
Last Call of "IGP                     Flexible                         
Algorithms Reverse                                             Affinity 
Constraint" -                                                                   
                                                           LSR WG,              
                                       This email begins a 3 week               
          WG Last Call for the                                             
following draft: "IGP Flexible                                             
Algorithms Reverse Affinity                         Constraint" -               
                                                     Please review the document 
                        and indicate your support                     or        
                 objections by                                             
February 7th, 2025. The                         extra week is to account for    
                                         the Lunar New Year                     
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