Hi, Acee:

Speak as WG member.
Would like to illustrate the scenario that the operators want to make
intentionally the traffic asymmetric? 
On the contrary, as one member from the operator, we are trying to eliminate
the asymmetric routing now, not intense it. The BM-SPF is one efficient tool
to eliminate this abnormal traffic routing.

>From my POV, the asymmetric routing is one historical problem that leads by
the impossible control of bi-directional cost for every link on every
router, which should be corrected.
BTW, if we can assure the symmetric routing within the IGP network,
regardless of the historical, current, or in future manual configuration, it
can give us many benefits(traffic identify, control and QoS assurance etc.),
not only the intra-domain SAV solution.

Another point is that, if we adopt the BM-SPF, we don't need RFC 8500 and
RFC 9339 for the reverse metric based solutions to accomplish the traffic
diversion then.

Best Regards

Aijun Wang
China Telecom

发件人: Acee Lindem [mailto:acee.i...@gmail.com] 
发送时间: 2025年2月12日 0:46
收件人: Gert Doering <g...@space.net>
抄送: Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>; sav...@ietf.org; lsr
主题: Re: [savnet] [Lsr] [BM-SPF: Solve asymmetrical routing within IGP to
achieve one simple intra-domain SAV solution] New Version Notification for

> On Feb 11, 2025, at 11:11 AM, Gert Doering <g...@space.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 10:56:37AM -0500, Acee Lindem wrote:
>> I hope in 2025 no one is logging into routers and configuring them one at
a time. 
> You'd be surprised...
> But that said, there are very good reasons to intentionally configure 
> different SPF costs left and right of a link.  So assuming that by 
> magic both the intentional and the accidential "non-symmetric" costs 
> disappear won't work.

I'm not disputing that there is not a reason for configuring non-symmetric
cost - however, if they are configured, it is assumed this  intentional and
they should be used. Not using the asymmetric cost to simplify SAV is just

> Also, even on symmetric costs, be careful with ECMP links.
> Gert Doering
>        -- NetMaster
> --
> have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?
> SpaceNet AG                      Vorstand: Sebastian v. Bomhard, Ingo
>                                           Karin Schuler, Sebastian Cler
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