(Note I have changed the subject line (previously was " RE: [Lsr] Re: [Further 
Discussion]It's time to find one general solution to Big-TLV problem Re: IETF 
121 LSR Slot Requests".

I did this for two reasons:

1)WG Chairs and WG Members have made it clear that the ongoing discussion of 
Big TLV is inappropriate. The WG has adopted/last called the multi-tlv solution 
- so this matter is closed

2)I think it is good for the WG to keep awareness that there is a more robust - 
but decidedly not backwards compatible - solution defined when the industry 
decides that the costs of deploying a non-backwards compatible solution can be 

I think this new thread can - if the WG wishes - be of some value.

More below.

> -----Original Message-----

> From: Donald Eastlake <d3e...@gmail.com>

> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2024 2:46 PM

> To: Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>

> Cc: duzongp...@foxmail.com; Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>;

> 【外部账号】Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>; Hannes Gredler

> <han...@gredler.at>; Yingzhen Qu <yingzhen.i...@gmail.com>; lsr-chairs <lsr-

> cha...@ietf.org>; draft-wang-lsr-isis-big-tlv <draft-wang-lsr-isis-big-

> t...@ietf.org>; lsr@ietf.org

> Subject: [Lsr] Re: [Further Discussion]It's time to find one general solution 
> to

> Big-TLV problem Re: IETF 121 LSR Slot Requests


> On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 9:28 AM Henk Smit 
> <henk.i...@xs4all.nl<mailto:henk.i...@xs4all.nl>> wrote:

> >...

> >

> > There are two types of problems.

> > 1) Short-term problems. Which have to be fixed asap.

> > 2) Long-term problems. Which need a proper solution.

> > Container TLVs are not a good short-term solution, and not a good long-term

> solution.

> >

> > The split TLV problem has been solved for the short term.

> > The multipart-TLV fix has been implemented by multiple vendors. It has been

> deployed in multiple production networks.

> > It works. There is no need for a 2nd short-term solution.

> >

> > Your 2nd solution also is not backwards compatible. So it has no benefits of

> the multipart-TLV solution.

> > I see 0 benefit of having container TLVs over the multipart-TLV solution.

> > Neither do most other people here in the working-group. Can you not clearly

> see that when you read the responses?

> >

> > If we want to think of a better solution, we should fix this properly.

> > As Hannes already suggested: the proper fix is to bump the IS-IS protocol

> version, and have 16-bit Type and 16-bit Value TLVs.


> I assume you mean 16-bit Length, not Value. See the E-L1FS and E-L2FS

> Extended Flooding Scopes in RFC 7356. Still uses IS-IS protocol

> version number 1.


[LES:] Donald thanx for spotting this inadvertent mistake. I agree that 
(clearly) "length" (NOT value) was intended.

It points up that RFC 7356 addresses at least two major issues - and allows 
that one or both can be addressed.

Issue #1 is the limited LSP space (256 LSPs/node/level)

This is addressed by defining new PDUs which use a 16 bit LSP number (currently 
this is an 8 bit number). This allows up to 65K LSPs/node/level.

Issue #2 is the limited size of a single TLV/sub-TLV.

This is addressed by using 16 bit type/length fields.

Different flooding scopes were defined (as seen in the registry 

Each scope has a tuple defined which can take on one of two values:

Extended/Standard - This scope uses 16 bit LSP number with 8 bit TLVs

Extended/Extended - This scope uses 16 bit LSP number with 16 bit TLVs

NOTE: We could have also defined a scope that used 8 bit LSP number with 16 bit 
TLVs (Standard/Extended) but as the need to advertise more than 255 bytes/TLV 
increases the likelihood that more than 256 LSPs might be needed we decided 
that there wasn't a need to support that.

In regards to protocol version, Donald is (yet again 😊) correct that we 
continue to use "1" as the protocol version.

This was done because there are multiple scenarios in which the use of standard 
L1/L2 LSPs can be used in conjunction with the new flooding scoped LSPs. These 
scenarios include:

  *   There are flooding scopes (such as link scoped flooding) which can be 
used in conjunction with existing standard L1/L2 LSPs (TRILL in fact did that)
  *   We saw no need to extend pseudo-node LSPs – and since we have repurposed 
the pseudo-node ID field in the LSP header to support the 16 bit LSP # - it 
would have been awkward to do so
  *   To maintain existing rules related to Area Address/LSPDB 
staleness/Overload Bit we still require the presence of Standard LSP #0 in 
order for any other LSPs from that node to be considered usable (see 
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7356.html#section-9 )

Happy to continue this discussion if the WG is interested.


> Thanks,

> Donald

> ===============================

>  Donald E. Eastlake 3rd   +1-508-333-2270 (cell)

>  2386 Panoramic Circle, Apopka, FL 32703 USA

>  d3e...@gmail.com<mailto:d3e...@gmail.com>


> > This is a huge change. And not backwards compatible.

> >

> > I am a fan of rule #12 in RFC 1925. Keep your protocols simple.

> > 16-bit Types and 16-bit Value TLVs are a simple concept.

> > They don't change anything to the algorithms or behaviour of IS-IS.

> > It's just "a small matter of programming" to implement them.

> >

> > My countryman Edsger Dijkstra (you might have heard of him) has said this:

> > ".Elegance is not a dispensable luxury but a factor that decides between

> success and failure."

> > Elegance means: simple and yet effective.

> > Multipart TLVs are an ugly hack, imho. But so are container TLVs.

> > We already have a (working and deployed) short-term solution.

> > If we're gonna have a 2nd solution, it should be elegant. Not yet another

> hack.

> >

> > Just my own opinion.

> > Not my employer's. But I think both my colleagues, as well as most other

> people on this list, agree with me.

> >

> > Kind regards,

> > henk.


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