Já fiz o meu hehehe Certificação mais fácil que eu ja recebi. =]

2010/2/9 bruno <bruno.pessa...@gmail.com>

> Quem ja e' certificado LPI pode solicitar seu certificado CLA gratuitamente
> no site da Novell.
> Abraco!
> Bruno Pessaha
> LPI is pleased to announce that holders of LPIC certifications are now
> eligible to apply for and receive the Novell Certified Linux Administrator
> (CLA) certification at no additional cost or exams.
> This initiative is the result of a new partnership agreement between
> Novell and LPI. Under this program those Linux professionals who have
> earned their LPIC-1 status will also have satisfied the requirements for
> the Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA) certification. To further
> support this initiative Novell Training Services has formally agreed
> to include the required LPIC-1 learning objectives in its CLA course
> training material.
> To apply for your Novell CLA, go to:
> http://practicum.novell.com/LPI2CLAForm.php
> and fill out the required fields. You will need to provide your LPI ID,
> verification code, name and contact information (NAME, MAILING ADDRESS,
> PHONE NUMBER, and EMAIL). All LPI alumni are able to validate their
> LPIC status at:
> https://cs.lpi.org/caf/Xamman/certification
> by providing their LPI ID and verification code.
> For further information on this program please contact your local
> affiliate at:
> http://www.lpi.org/eng/global_partners/local_lpi_organizations
> or see:
> http://www.lpi.org/cla
> --
> Scott Lamberton
> Director of Communications
> Linux Professional Institute
> http://www.lpi.org
> i...@lpi.org <info%40lpi.org>

Antônio Flávio F. Rodrigues
Linux Professional Institute Certified
Novell Certified Linux Administrator

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