Aeh Galera !!! FAla meus amigos !
Depois de muita luta..rsrsr o resultado da certificacao chegou ! Demorou tanto..afff.. rsrs Estou muito feliz por ter passado no exame LPIC-1 ( 101-102 ) Já estou preparado ( se achando neh rrsrsr) para fazer a prova 201, pois nesse tempo até sair o resultado eu fiquei estudando a 201. E pretendo fazer a 202 logo tb...rsrsa kakaak ( COITADO ) Agora vou fazer uma de cada vez.. nao vou fazer as duas no mesmo dia nao..ehehe Soh que da proxima vez vou fazer a prova eletronica. Papel nunca mais ! Galera como faz pra outras pessoas verem que eu sou certificado ? Tipo pra ver a nota e tudo mais ??? Quero colocar o link no curriculo eletronico neh. Bom galera, agora tenho que correr atras de um trampinho aqui em sampa neh.. tenho que pagar minhas contas... me alimentar... essas coisas basicas ( MAIS É POBRE MESMO). Se alguem souber de algo me avisa eim ! Nome: Roberto Rodrigues da Silva E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] São Paulo - SP Grande abraco a todos ! Felicidades ! Dear Roberto RS Rodrigues LPI ID: LPI000146002 Congratulations on obtaining your LPIC-1 certification and joining the world's largest community of Linux and Open Source professionals. LPIC-1 is globally recognized as the leading entry-level certification in Linux skills and knowledge. In completing your LPIC-1 certification you are also eligible to take our LPIC-2 exams. We encourage you to consider pursuing this higher level certification. For more information, please see: LPI processes its certificates as soon as we are aware that exam-takers have successfully completed all the necessary requirements. Most candidates will receive their certification kits within 4-6 weeks from the receipt of this email. If you do not receive your kit within six weeks, please notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please ensure your address is correct by checking your members account; If you would like your employer to verify your certification details please go to this site: Thank-you for taking the LPI certification exams. Please support LPI by participating in their mailing lists: