On Tue, 2014-08-19 at 18:37 +0000, loongson-dev@googlegroups.com wrote: > ============================================================================= > Topic: [PATCH] sm712fb: the accelerated framebuffer driver for Silicon Motion > SM712 > Url: http://groups.google.com/group/loongson-dev/t/56025c620ec43e1b > ============================================================================= > > ---------- 1 of 1 ---------- > From: Tom Li <bierga...@member.fsf.org> > Date: Aug 19 07:24PM +0800 > Url: http://groups.google.com/group/loongson-dev/msg/41969faee199c665 > > Anyone who has a YeeLoong Laptop will find the graphics performance is > unacceptable. Even just run dmesg, the output will take a lot of time. > > In fact, there is a built-in 2D acceleration engine in SM712, the video chip > of YeeLoong. And the driver which supports the acceleration, appeared in > the early-days pull request of YeeLoong to the Linux Kernel. > > But they were removed because a major bug causing the system hang. > > Since Linux 3.16, the sm7xxfb was kicked out by Greg Kroah-Hartman, because > nobody maintains it. > > I'm working on a new fork of sm7xxfb, called sm712fb. I dropped other cards > supporting because they just make the working harder. I did some code cleanup > and just finished the bug-free 2D accelerated fillrect(), copyarea() and > imageblit() support. It makes the framebuffer much faster. Reading long logs > is not a problem anymore. > > I'll submit the patch here. I hope it will be got more testing before I > submit it > to the upstream. > > Please test it, and report your experience. Any bug report, suggestion and > comment are welcomed.
Hey Tom, Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have a YeeLoong and have long since had concerns about the VGA's performance. Although I am not confident enough in my kernel skills to apply your patch, I do look forward to seeing this hopefully eventually find its way into stable Debian. Take care, -- Kip Warner -- Senior Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com
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