On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 12:13 PM, David Crawford <dtgcrawf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've dug my Yeeloong 2F out of storage and have been trying to get an OS
> onto it. I've tried Debian, but it fails to install GRUB  - then cannot find
> boot.cfg when it tries to boot. I wasn't able to manually boot it with karg.
> The only OS's I've managed to get onto it successfully are the Lemote Debian
> restore and Free BSD. The former is in Chinese and the latter doesn't have
> functioning wireless. :(
> I've had Debian working fine on it in the past - I'm not sure what to do.
> I'll settle for any OS, command line or GUI as long as it's in English and
> the Wifi works. Would appreciate some advice as to what's currently the best
> OS to put on this system. The Lemote Debian would be fine if I could get it
> into English.

Gentoo worked well for me. But installing it was a pain from memory, I
seem to remember just untarring it into a spare partition in the
existing system and then setting the bootloader to boot into it.


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