>>>>> "Huacai" == Huacai Chen <chenhua...@gmail.com> writes:

> If it is really autoplug's bug, why the message reports error in
> crypt_convert()? I'm confusing.

I'm somewhat confused, too, but looking at he code, there is not a
single call to smp_processor_id() in crypt_convert().  Then
do_autoplug_timer() runs from some kind of timer
(INIT_DELAYED_WORK_DEFERRABLE), and I assumed that it may run on top of
the stack of crypt_convert, interrupting crypt_convert like an IRQ.

When doing I/O intensive stuff on an encrypted partition, a _lot_ of
time is spent in crypt_convert, so statistically speaking a timer would
have a high probability of interrupting crypt_convert() and not any
other function.

However, I don't know nothing about the linux kernel, never having done
any serious kernel programming, so this is second-guessing at best.

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