Hi Huacei,

>>>>> "Huacai" == Huacai Chen <chenhua...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi, David, Lemote's pre-installed kernel uses exactly the same source
> in http://dev.lemote.com/cgit/linux-official.git/, 

As I wrote before: the kernel 3.5.1 repository tag lacks a copy of the
radeon firmware.  A difference in the firmware may explain the problems
I encountered.  Any pointer to the source for the radeon firmware
version used (embedded) in the pre-installed kernel images?

> the only difference
> is GCC, we use the cross-compiler which can be found here:
> http://dev.lemote.com/files/resource/toolchain/cross-compile/

Which one?  You mean the binary cross compiler in


?  There is a tarball for gcc 4.5, too.

This looks very similar to the GCC I'm using.  But it's worth a try.

thanks for keeping up with my complaints :)


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