>>>>> "Huacai" == Huacai Chen <chenhua...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi, David, Please use "set" command in PMON and the "Version" variable
> will give an exact version number. 

 'set Version' answers 'A1101-3.1.8'

> Then, I think the pre-installed should be good, though I don't know
> why it is commented.

I'm pretty sure the included 3.5 version is not going to work either,
though I'll try that tonight just to be sure.  It won't be too helpful
for installation, as it doesn't have the full dm-crypt support that I
need during installation (I never use unencrypted disks for my
computers, you never know where these computers/disks end up).

I now tried Ralf's master branch, it already has the Loongson3A patches
(upstream support coming closer?):


It lacks the radeon firmware, had to manually add that from


The R8168 network driver is not supported on that branch, but googeling
around I think the 8169 driver should work as a replacement and I
enabled it.  I do get a missing firmware warning on the kernel log,
though networking seems to work (promiscous mode/DHCP may be broken?
had to manually setup networking)

The resulting kernel now boots into the installer.  But the installation
does not proceed beyond "downloading installer components".  This is now
a debian-specific problem, will try to ask at debian-mips and/or hack
the installer.

This looks pretty promising.

About PMON: the version that came with my Fuloong 6004 also was very
picky about which kernels it would load.  Finally worked around these
problems by installing grub.  Hopefully Grub will also work on the


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