>>>>> "YunQiang" == YunQiang Su <wzss...@gmail.com> writes:

>>> boost-context has some assembly code then mips64(el) is marked as
>>> unsupported for now.  Maybe we should port it to mips64(el)
>> Are you referring to source files
>> ./boost_1_54_0/libs/context/src/asm/make_mips32_o32_elf_gas.S
>> ./boost_1_54_0/libs/context/src/asm/jump_mips32_o32_elf_gas.S
>> ?
> Yes.
> I have not very much sense on assembly.

Well, I have done some MIPS assembly and know boost as well, this is why
I was offering my help...

>> It would help a lot if you could give me login access to a (very fast
>> :) mips debian machine that has all the required toolchain packages
>> for mips64 builds installed.
> They are in a internal network, which need a vpn access, which is not
> controlled by me.

I could give you an SSH account on my server, then you just need to run

  ssh -R 22:localhost:60022 -N account@my_server

to open a reverse tunnel through SSH for login on your machine (maybe
your admins won't like that, though).  I can also give you a config file
for 'monit' that keeps such tunnels open permanently.  You can do a
similar trick with any server with public IP you have access too,
mapping your local port 22 to a publicly accessible IP address.

Just in case you're still interested in any help.

>>> There is a gcc internal error like
>>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=715526
>> WRT the compiler error, did you try to reproduce the error with the
>> latest 4.8 series GCC built from sources provided by
>> http://gcc.gnu.org/? 
> The gcc-4.8_4.8-10 in Debian is update to about 2 or 3 weeks ago

That's not the point.  The point is: GCC developers are capable to track
down & fix these bugs.  But GCC people will likely ignore a bug report
for a version that doesn't match exactly their sources.  Don't make it
unneccessarily difficult for them to help you.

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