hi, zhangfx, I have tried what you say and replace all .balign 128 with .balign 256, and changed the width variable in dvmCheckAsmConstants function of the \dalvik\vm\mterp\Mterp.c to 256 then recompile the file system, but I encounter SEGILL and SIGSEGV problem, the following is the corresponding information from logcat command: --------- beginning of /dev/log/mainI/DEBUG ( 1289): debuggerd: Dec 5 2011 17:02:14I/Netd ( 1288): Netd 1.0 starting--------- beginning of /dev/log/systemI/Vold ( 1287): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing upD/Vold ( 1287): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)W/Vold ( 1287): No UMS switch availableD/AndroidRuntime( 1290): D/AndroidRuntime( 1290): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<D/ AndroidRuntime( 1290): CheckJNI is ONI/ ( 1291): ServiceManager: 0x84cd0W/AudioHardwareInterface( 1291): Using stubbed audio hardware. No sound will be produced.D/ AudioHardwareInterface( 1291): setMode(NORMAL)I/CameraService( 1291): CameraService started: pid=1291I/AudioFlinger( 1291): AudioFlinger's thread 0x853d8 ready to runD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'core.jar' (bootstrap=1) ---D/dalvikvm( 1331): Ignoring duplicate verify attempt on Ljava/lang/Object;D/dalvikvm( 1331): Ignoring duplicate verify attempt on Ljava/lang/Class;D/dalvikvm( 1331): DexOpt: load 138ms, verify 1663ms, opt 126msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- END 'core.jar' (success) ---D/dalvikvm( 1290): DEX prep '/system/ framework/core.jar': unzip in 296ms, rewrite 8383msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'ext.jar' (bootstrap=1) ---D/dalvikvm( 1333): DexOpt: load 13ms, verify 195ms, opt 12msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- END 'ext.jar' (success) ---D/dalvikvm( 1290): DEX prep '/system/ framework/ext.jar': unzip in 22ms, rewrite 1889msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'framework.jar' (bootstrap=1) ---D/dalvikvm( 1334): Note: class Landroid/opengl/GLWrapperBase; has 211 unimplemented (abstract) methodsD/dalvikvm( 1334): DexOpt: load 206ms, verify 2274ms, opt 160msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- END 'framework.jar' (success) ---D/dalvikvm( 1290): DEX prep '/system/ framework/framework.jar': unzip in 313ms, rewrite 16289msD/ dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'android.policy.jar' (bootstrap=1) ---D/dalvikvm( 1335): DexOpt: load 12ms, verify 85ms, opt 4msD/ dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- END 'android.policy.jar' (success) ---D/ dalvikvm( 1290): DEX prep '/system/framework/android.policy.jar': unzip in 11ms, rewrite 3339msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'services.jar' (bootstrap=1) ---D/dalvikvm( 1336): DexOpt: load 39ms, verify 763ms, opt 43msD/dalvikvm( 1290): DexOpt: --- END 'services.jar' (success) ---D/dalvikvm( 1290): DEX prep '/system/ framework/services.jar': unzip in 69ms, rewrite 4592msI/DEBUG ( 1289): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***I/DEBUG ( 1289): Build fingerprint: 'generic/yl2f/yl2f/:2.2.1/ FRG83-M8/eng.andy.20111205.163156:eng/test-keys'I/DEBUG ( 1289): pid: 1290, tid: 1290 >>> zygote <<<I/DEBUG ( 1289): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): zr 00000000 at 00000001 v0 00000006 v1 00000003I/DEBUG ( 1289): a0 00000003 a1 5093ac80 a2 00000001 a3 000d83fbI/DEBUG ( 1289): t0 50862885 t1 50862884 t2 00000000 t3 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): t4 00000001 t5 7f9ef554 t6 7ee754e4 t7 000d83faI/DEBUG ( 1289): s0 2c2f2498 s1 2baf2f78 s2 7f9efe48 s3 50815800I/DEBUG ( 1289): s4 000091e5 s5 7f9f0160 s6 00001796 s7 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): t8 00000001 t9 7ee6260c k0 00000000 k1 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): gp c28c0480 sp 7f9efd88 s8 7f9efe08 ra 021a00feI/DEBUG ( 1289): hi 00000004 lo 00000554 bva 021a014a epc 5082f9fcI/DEBUG ( 1289): #00 pc 5082f9fc /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): #01 ra 021a00fe <unknown>I/DEBUG ( 1289): I/ DEBUG ( 1289): code around pc:I/DEBUG ( 1289): 5082f9dc 0320f809 e408002c 005082f9 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 5082f9ec 24020006 10620003 8fbc0010 8e1f0018 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 5082f9fc afe0004c 10800003 00001021 24020001 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 5082fa0c ae020034 8fbf001c 8fb00018 03e00008 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 5082fa1c 27bd0020 3c1c0011 279c54d0 0399e021 I/DEBUG ( 1289): I/DEBUG ( 1289): code around ra:I/DEBUG ( 1289): 021a00dc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff I/DEBUG ( 1289): 021a00ec ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff I/DEBUG ( 1289): 021a00fc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff I/DEBUG ( 1289): 021a010c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff I/DEBUG ( 1289): 021a011c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff I/DEBUG ( 1289): I/DEBUG ( 1289): stack:I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd48 7f9f00c8 [stack]I/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd4c 7f9effb8 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd50 00009004 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd54 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd58 00000000 I/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd5c 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd60 5093e7b0 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd64 5082f9e4 / system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd68 130018c1 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd6c 0c860e01 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd70 01000100 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd74 01000100 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd78 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd7c 01000100 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd80 7f9efda8 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd84 5082f9e4 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd88 01000100 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd8c 01020100 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd90 01000102 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd94 80189600 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd98 c28c0480 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efd9c 01189718 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efda0 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efda4 18c3dc00 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efda8 2c2f519c I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdac 2baf2f94 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdb0 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdb4 0118c4f0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdb8 2bb0ec20 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdbc 00090e40 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdc0 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdc4 7f9efce8 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdc8 2baf0300 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdcc 00086cb8 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdd0 5093eb6e /system/lib/ libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdd4 5093ebb0 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdd8 00000001 I/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efddc 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efde0 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efde4 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efde8 7f9f0160 [stack]I/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdec 7f9f0058 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdf0 00000001 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdf4 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdf8 5082f964 /system/lib/ libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efdfc 7f9efe48 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe00 7f9f0278 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe04 5082f9e4 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe08 50826378 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe0c 508263a8 /system/lib/ libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe10 508263e0 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe14 508f2480 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe18 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe1c 0118c99c I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe20 7f9efe48 [stack]I/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe24 5082e17c / system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe28 18ab18c9 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe2c 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe30 7ed22410 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe34 ec000118 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe38 030018d3 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe3c 2aab01e8 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe40 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe44 7ed0d834 /system/lib/ libcutils.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe48 2c2f0cfc I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe4c 2baf2f78 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe50 7ee7e750 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe54 01100110 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe58 2bb0ea3c I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe5c 00090e40 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe60 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe64 7f9efd88 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe68 2baf0300 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe6c 00086cb8 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe70 5093eb6e /system/lib/libdvm.soI/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe74 5093ebb0 / system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe78 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe7c 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe80 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe84 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe88 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe8c 2aab3f38 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe90 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe94 5093ec80 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe98 0008c201 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efe9c 50826474 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efea0 508264d4 /system/lib/ libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efea4 50826348 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efea8 50826378 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efeac 508263a8 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efeb0 508263e0 / system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efeb4 508f2480 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efeb8 00000030 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efebc 5087f8f0 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efec0 2aab3f38 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efec4 5082bfb0 / system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efec8 0118e6cc I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efecc 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efed0 2c5723a4 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efed4 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efed8 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efedc 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efee0 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efee4 00000000 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efee8 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efeec 5093e7b0 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efef0 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efef4 2bb0fedc I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efef8 00090dd8 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9efefc 508bff38 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff00 7f9f0458 [stack]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff04 2aab01e8 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff08 7ed22410 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff0c 2c5723a4 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff10 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff14 2aab01e8 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff18 000000a4 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff1c 7ed0d834 /system/lib/ libcutils.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff20 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff24 7f9eff90 [stack]I/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff28 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff2c 508c5528 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/ DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff30 50944ef0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff34 2aab04b0 I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff38 00086cb0 [heap]I/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff3c 5088e390 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): 7f9eff40 00090dd8 [heap]D/ AndroidRuntime( 1337): D/AndroidRuntime( 1337): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<D/AndroidRuntime( 1337): CheckJNI is ONI/DEBUG ( 1289): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***I/DEBUG ( 1289): Build fingerprint: 'generic/yl2f/ yl2f/:2.2.1/FRG83-M8/eng.andy.20111205.163156:eng/test-keys'I/DEBUG ( 1289): pid: 1337, tid: 1337 >>> zygote <<<I/DEBUG ( 1289): signal 4 (SIGILL), fault addr 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): zr 00000000 at 00000001 v0 00000003 v1 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): a0 00000888 a1 5093ac80 a2 00000001 a3 000d83fbI/DEBUG ( 1289): t0 50862885 t1 50862884 t2 00000000 t3 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): t4 00000001 t5 7fb2df24 t6 7ee754e4 t7 000d83faI/DEBUG ( 1289): s0 2c2f2498 s1 2baf2f78 s2 7fb2e818 s3 50815800I/DEBUG ( 1289): s4 000091e5 s5 7fb2eb30 s6 00001796 s7 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): t8 00000001 t9 7ee6260c k0 00000000 k1 00000000I/DEBUG ( 1289): gp 50944ef0 sp 7fb2e758 s8 7fb2e7d8 ra 5082f9e4I/DEBUG ( 1289): hi 00000004 lo 00000554 bva 7fff4008 epc 5082f9e4I/DEBUG ( 1289): #00 pc 5082f9e4 /system/lib/libdvm.soI/DEBUG ( 1289): #01 ra 5082f9e4 /system/ lib/libdvm.so
any suggestion? On 12月27日, 上午8时58分, zhangfx <zhan...@lemote.com> wrote: > 于 2011-12-26 23:44, 李晖 写道:> the patch from hanhua did not work for me right > now . > > But by using 64 bit kernel, I can get the shell, by using logcat, I > > found that the dalvik vm did not up, > > > D/AndroidRuntime(1315): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Android Runtime START > > D/AndroidRuntime(1315): CheckJNI is ON > > E/dalvikvm(1315): ERROR: unexptcted asm interp size 33152 > > E/dalvikvm(1315): (did an instruction handler execeed 128 byte? > > E/dalvikvm(1315): VM aborting > > A java bytecode is interpreted with many native instructions, the > interpreter use 128 byte for each bytecode to save these native > instructions, but in some cases the resulting native codes are more than > 32 so they will take more than 128 byte. Just change 128 to 256 or > something like that will do. > > > > > > > > > > > did any one came across this problem? > > > On 12月24日, 上午12时31分, 李晖 <lihui205...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> good, hanhua send me a mail declare that he has made a patch for > >> linux- to support it for 32 bit loongson, I will pull the > >> repository out and patch it, then try it if it works for me. > >> Thanks all, I will feed back then. > > >> On 12月23日, 上午10时16分, zhangfx <zhan...@lemote.com> wrote: > > >>> 64bit kernel can support 32 bit userland, just be sure to select o32 > >>> support in kernel configuration. Default os uses 64bit kernel and 32bit > >>> userland > >>> 李晖 <lihui205...@gmail.com>编写: > >>> thanks for reply, what I am going to do is patching the linux kernel to > >>> fit it to 64bit, what I am wandering is if the kernel is 64bit, should > >>> the android file system to be 64bit, or 32bit is ok? On 12月22日, 上午11时26分, > >>> zhangfx wrote: > 于 2011-12-22 9:45, 晏华 写道: > > > In 32 bit mode, the pci > >>> window of loongson2F is too small for some > > devices such as sis315 > > > >>> driver. The sis315 claims 128MB pci memory, while loongson2f has only > > > >>> 128M(another 64MB is reserved for legacy use)。 Besides the sis315 > > > >>> graphics devies, still some other pci devices need pci resources. If > > > >>> you does not carefully to assign these resources. the kernel would > > > >>> just report resource allocation failed. > > To resolve this problems in > >>> 32bit mode of loongson2f desktop box. > > there are some advices. > > 1. > >>> Let PMON do the resource assignment, and kernel just use it. > > 2. use > >>> pci high mem (please ref loongson 2f usermanual)just as 64bit > > kenel, > >>> and you need to modify kenrel code, use tlb to map sothing. > > I think > >>> we should have a working kernel for fuloong that can be compiled > in > >>> 32bit? For example, is this one(http://dev.lemote.com/code> > >>> /linux_loongson)ok? Requiring too much knowledge just for a working > > >>> kernel is not a good thing. Loongson development should not be so hard > > >>> nowadays. > If not, we can just fix it. > > Or the community kernel? Wu > >>> zhangjin paid lots of effort to make a > uniform kernel that working for > >>> almost all lemote machines(the one > availabe > >>> inhttp://dev.lemote.com/trac/linux-loongson-community), not > sure about > >>> 32bit configurations(due to the memory limits, it is rarely > used). > > > >>> By the way, 64bit kernel can work with android with some patches. > > > > > >>> > > > > > > > 2011/12/22 李晖 > > > > Hi, all > > I am porting android to > >>> loongson2f, I use "Gcc 4.4.1 + Binutils > > 2.20 on X86" from loongson > >>> community compile 2.6.35 linux kernel, by > > setting the kernel model to > >>> 64bit, I got the vmlinux image, and it can > > boot up, but some drivers > >>> of the kernel are 32bit only(google android > > related), so android can > >>> not boot up eventually, so I changed the > > kernel mode to 32bit and did > >>> not change other config and rebuild the > > kernel again, the vmlinux can > >>> be generated, but when I load and boot > > it by using pmon, the kernel > >>> can not boot, the pmon print register > > information and no further > >>> information on the screen. > > By adding printk at the begin of > >>> start_kernel function, I found it > > even not reached that point! > > > > >>> The machine I am using is a loongson2f desktop computer, and I found > > > >>> that those who claims had succeeded port android to loongson2f all > > > >>> uses loongson2f mini notebook, did it effect? > > > andy tips or > >>> suggestion will be greatly appreciated! > > > -- > > You received this > >>> message because you are subscribed to the Google > > Groups > >>> "loongson-dev" group. > > To post to this group, send email to > >>> loongson-dev@googlegroups.com > > . > > To unsubscribe from this group, > >>> send email to > > loongson-dev+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > > . > > For > >>> more options, visit this group at > > >>> >http://groups.google.com/group/loongson-dev?hl=en. > > > -- > > 晏华 > > > >>> 龙芯梦兰 软件部 > > -- > > You received this message because you are subscribed > >>> to the Google > > Groups "loongson-dev" group. > > To post to this group, > >>> send email to loongson-dev@googlegroups.com. > > To unsubscribe from this > >>> group, send email to > > loongson-dev+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. > > > >>> For more options, visit this group at > > >>> >http://groups.google.com/group/loongson-dev?hl=en. -- You received this > >>> message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "loongson-dev" > >>> group. To post to this group, send email to > >>> loongson-dev@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email > >>> to loongson-dev+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit > >>> this group athttp://groups.google.com/group/loongson-dev?hl=en. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "loongson-dev" group. To post to this group, send email to loongson-dev@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to loongson-dev+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/loongson-dev?hl=en.