On 23/11/11 17:06, carlos perez wrote: > Hi all, > I tell them I have a laptop CPU Lemote Loongson2f Yeeloong 8089C. > Now install Debian Wheezy and ends well, but when you start out a black > screen and does nothing, does it change to console with Crl + Alt + F1. > Posting a few things they can use to diagnose if they need anything else > ask if they know how to reset the X appreciate the help. > Excuse my English is not good. > > Carlos PĂ©rez
This is normal, the necessary patches aren't in Wheezy yet, AFAIK. A solution is to download the source, patch, recompile and install, see: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianYeeloong/HowTo/Install#Squeeze_X Who wants to help with pushing these patches into X.org? AFAIU, this isn't being done, is this correct? Regards, Mike.
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