I'm sorry.
Now follows the corrected version.

[Please distribute, apologies for duplicates]
> --------------------------------
> XXI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2025) - Call for Contributions
> *********** DEADLINE APPROACHING, FEBRUARY 3, 2025************
> The Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL) is the main event organized by the
> Brazilian Logic Society (SBL) and has been occurring since 1979. In 2025,
> the 21st edition of EBL will be held from May 12 to May 16 at the city of
> Serra Negra, São Paulo State, preceded by the Logic School from May 9 to
> May 11 at São Paulo City.
> We cordially invite submissions of contributed talks, in the form of an
> extended abstract, on the general topics of Logic, including, but not
> limited to:
> - Algebraic Logic
> - Artificial Intelligence
> - Categorical Logic
> - Classical and Non-classical Logics
> - Computability Theory
> - Foundations of Computer Science
> - Foundations of Mathematics
> - History and Philosophy of Logic
> - Model Theory
> - Philosophical Logic
> - Philosophy of Formal Sciences
> - Set Theory
> Proposals for contributions are of three kinds, all of which may be
> prepared in English, Portuguese or Spanish:
> (A) Talks
> In each contributed talk the speaker will have 20 minutes for the oral
> exposition plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
> (B) Poster
> The XXI EBL will also host poster sessions, especially suitable for
> ongoing or early-stage works.
> (C) Round tables and small workshops
> We encourage the proponents to get in touch with any of the co-chairs of
> the Scientific Committee (Lucia Junqueira, Marcelo Coniglio, and Bruno
> Lopes) for more detailed information on the submission process for such
> kinds of proposals.
> Proposals should be prepared according to the LaTeX template available at
> https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/home/call-for-contributions
> and have a length of at most 2 pages including type (talk/poster/round
> table/workshop), title, name, affiliation, keywords, and the essential
> bibliography.
> The proposal should be submitted via the Google Form available at
> https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/home/call-for-contributions
> and both the .pdf and .tex files should be attached.
> The deadline for all types of submissions is ****February 3, 2025****.
> The Scientific Committee will consider the following criteria in order to
> select the contributions:
> - relevance and importance of the topic,
> - originality,
> - quality of work.
> The list of accepted proposals will be announced on February 24, 2025.
> At least one author of each accepted abstract must register for presenting
> the work at the meeting. Each given participant may coauthor more than one
> paper, but will only be allowed to present a single talk.
> A call for papers for the proceedings of the XXI EBL will be launched
> after the meeting, see
> https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/home/schedule
> More information can be found at the website of the Conference:
> https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/home
> Marcelo E. Coniglio (Scientific Committee, Chair)
> Lucia R. Junqueira (Scientific Committee, Chair)
> Bruno Lopes (Scientific Committee, Chair)
> --

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 
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