Dear Colleague,

You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and 
Religion Webinar Series which will be held on *January 16 (THIS THURSDAY), 
2025*, at *4 pm CET* with the topic:



*Speaker: **Thomas Oord <>* (Northwind 
Theological Seminary, USA)

*Chair:* *Francisco de Assis Mariano <>* 
of Missouri-Columbia, USA)


Time zones: 10:00 am in New York; 12:00 am in São Paulo; 4:00 pm in Paris; 
5:00 pm in Jerusalem; and 7:30 pm in New Delhi.


Register to get a Zoom link:


Abstract: Is it reasonable to believe in a God who is, in all respects, 
infinite? Thomas Jay Oord doesn't think so. But Oord thinks it's reasonable 
to believe in a loving God whose power is finite. If the Creator is not 
omnipotent, we make better sense of God's initial creating and the genuine 
evil we witness. In this lecture, Oord argues for the existence of a loving 
Creator who can neither prevent evil singlehandedly nor create something 
from nothing (creatio ex nihilo). This deity is neither omnipotent nor 
impotent. God is amipotent.




Join us 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the session!
With best wishes,



Francisco de Assis Mariano,
The University of Missouri-Columbia (USA)
LARA Secretary



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