January 14 will be the 7th edition of the World Logic Day which was
launched in 2019, see
"1st World Logic Day: 14 January 2019"
and which was recognized by UNESCO the same year, see
"The Inclusion of the World Logic Day in the UNESCO International Days
Full story here:
Anybody is welcome to organize a celebration for this 7th edition.
It can be before or after January 14, or may last several days including
January 14.
January is indeed turning into a logical month!
You can post your celebration in the following websites:
1)  https://wld.cipsh.international/wld2025.html
by sending an e-mail with the basic data of your event to Deniz Sarikaya
2) https://worldlogicday.com/events/
by clicking on "add event" and set up yourself the page of your event, and
constantly update it, see e.g.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jean-Yves Beziau
University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
President of LUA - Logica Universalis Association

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 
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