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The AI for Math Fund, sponsored by Renaissance Philanthropy and XTX
Markets, is a grant opportunity committing $9.2 million to research,
field-building and development of open-source tools and datasets in
the intersection of AI and mathematics.  Projects related to AI
automation for proof assistants (including HOL) are encouraged to


AI for Math Fund announcement
AI for Math Fund website
Bloomberg article on AI for Math Fund
Terence Tao's blog post on AI for Math Fund

Please submit a brief application via webform
<https://airtable.com/appSh677zJHNiCdW7/pagSeCrgvihcU6dha/form> by
*January 10, 2025.* Successful applicants will be invited to submit
full proposals.

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 
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