The next session of the Logica Universalis Webinar will be November 27,
2024 at 4pm CET

Speaker: Marcin Trepczyńsky  (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Title: The Universalism of Logic in Stephen Langton’s Analysis of the
Blessing Given to Jacob
Abstract:  In this talk, I illustrate the universalism of logic using the
example of Stephen Langton's (†1228) exegesis presented in his theological
question 103. This text refers to the biblical story of Isaac blessing his
son Jacob, who pretended to be his brother, Esau. I present the
universalism of logic understood as its broad applicability and
effectiveness. I argue that logic is very useful even in analyzing biblical
exegesis. Langton's exegesis benefits from logical knowledge on different
levels. One of them is the application of a semiotic theory to formulate a
solution to the problem of the validity of Isaac's blessing. Above all,
Langton distinguishes between a discrete and a vague (or simple) use of the
pronoun “you.” Notably, Langton's analysis of various speech acts in terms
of his semiotic (or pragmatic) theory is also a basis to formulate the
conditions of happiness of the act of blessing (understood in the
theological context), which shows that logic can be not only broadly
applicable, but also effective. Finally, question 103 proves that logic is
universal also in a different way, namely: it can provide solutions which
are acceptable for representatives of different traditions.

Associate Organization: Young teachers of the Department of Philosophy of
Warsaw University, Poland presented by Krzysztof Sękowski

Chair:  Jens Lemanski, Editorial Board LU

Everybody is welcome to attend, register here;
Jean-Yves Beziau
Editor-in-Chief Logica Universalis
Organizer of the Logica Universalis Webinar

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