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With great sadness, we announce that Prof. Pavel Materna, aged 94, passed
away peacefully on October 25 in Prague. Pavel was a Czech logician,
philosopher and musician. He was a follower of Pavel Tichy, the founder of
Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). Pavel Materna contributed a lot to the
development of TIL, in which he developed an original theory of concepts.
In this conception, concepts are defined as abstract procedures that can be
viewed as ‘instructions’ encoded by natural-language expressions on
obtaining an object (if any) denoted by a given expression. Applying TIL to
natural-language processing was Pavel’s primary professional interest. He
was known internationally for his influential research in this area, where
he achieved significant results and published numerous papers and books.

Besides, Pavel was a good friend, joyful in discussions and a great
musician and pianist. We had a lot of fun listening to his piano playing on
conference evenings. He will be missed by all who love him.

With best wishes,      Marie Duzi

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