---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IMPRS IS <impr...@tuebingen.mpg.de>
Date: Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 4:09 PM
Subject: Funded Ph.D. Positions at the International Max Planck Research
School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS)
To: <sigai-annou...@listserv.acm.org>

The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Universities of
Stuttgart and Tübingen collaborate to offer an interdisciplinary Ph.D.
program, the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems (IMPRS-IS). This doctoral program will accept its ninth generation
of Ph.D. students in spring of 2025. We anticipate hiring over 60 doctoral
researchers this recruitment round.

Apply by November 15, 2024 at https://imprs.is.mpg.de/application

We seek students who want to earn a doctorate while contributing to
world-leading research in areas such as biomedical technology,
computational cognitive science, computer vision, control systems and
optimization, data science, haptics and human-computer interaction, machine
learning, micro- and nano-robotics, neuroscience, perceptual inference,
robotics and human-robot interaction, soft robotics, and other related

Program Details

• Flexible start dates! Admitted Ph.D. students can join our program in
spring (or later) of 2025.
• You will be mentored by our internationally renowned faculty (
• You will conduct your research in either Stuttgart or Tübingen, Germany.
• IMPRS-IS offers a wide variety of scientific seminars, workshops, and
social activities.
• All aspects of our program are in English.
• Your doctoral degree will be conferred when you successfully complete
your Ph.D. project.
• Our dedicated staff members will assist you throughout your time as a
doctoral student.

IMPRS-IS is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to excellence through
diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex,
disability, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, marital status,
gender identity, or any other non-job-related criteria. We believe in the
importance of a multicultural community of students, faculty, and staff who
seek to advance our commitment to diversity and inclusion. IMPRS-IS strives
to create and maintain working and learning environments that are
inclusive, equitable, and welcoming.

For further information, please visit https://imprs.is.mpg.de

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