Olá, colegas,

Em nome da SBL, publicamos o edital da próxima edição do Prêmio de Lógica
"Newton da Costa de Lógica" (2024)

Saudações lógicas,
Evandro Luís Gomes e Jorge Petrucio Viana


Newton da Costa Logic Award call

The Brazilian Logic Society (SBL) announces the 2024 edition of the “Newton
da Costa Logic Award”.


This Logic Award honors the academic career and the original scientific and
philosophical contributions of Prof. Newton da Costa, founding member and
first president of SBL. Newton da Costa is one of the creators of
paraconsistent logics. The magnitude and impact of his work make him one of
the most recognized, cited and honored Brazilian scientists in the world.

The award had five editions: 2015, 2016, 2018, 2021, and 2022. The authors
and the articles awarded were:


Walter A. Carnielli (Unicamp) e Juliana Bueno-Soler (Unicamp)

Where the truth lies:  a paraconsistent approach to Bayesian epistemology

Ciro Russo (UFBA)
Coproduct and amalgamation of deductive systems by means of ordered
algebras. *Logica Universalis*, 16: 355–380 (2022)

Abílio Rodrigues e Henrique Antunes (UFMG)
First-order logics of evidence and truth with constant and variable
domains. *Logica Universalis*, (2022)


Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart (UFSC)

New logics for quantum non-individuals. *Logica Universalis*, 12: 375–395


Cassiano Terra Rodrigues (ITA)

Squaring the unknown: the generalization of logic according to G. Boole, A.
De Morgan, and C. S. Peirce. *South American Journal of Logic*, 3: 415–481


Rodrigo A. Freire (UnB)

First-Order Logic and First-Order Functions. *Logica Universalis*, 9:
281–329 (2015)

With the launch of the 2024 edition, SBL seeks to continue this event and,
ultimately, promote the development of Logic in Brazil.

There is the possibility of submitting the laureate paper for publication
in the proceedings of the 21st EBL (Brazilian Logic Meeting) to be held in


The award aims to distinguish an unpublished article in the broad field of

There is no restriction on age, gender, nationality, but at least one of
the authors of the article submitted must be a researcher residing in
Brazil, be affiliated with a university (or other educational institution)
in Brazil, and be associated with SBL.


The judging committee, to be appointed by SBL, will consist of 5 (five)
researchers, chosen for their recognized competence in the field.

The prize will be awarded to the author(s) of the article who, in the
opinion of the judging committee, presents the best scientific quality. The
committee may decide not to award the prize if it judges that none of the
submitted articles is of adequate scientific quality.


No article that has been published or accepted for publication will be
eligible for consideration. Before submitting an article, the author(s)
is(are) responsible for verifying that a substantially similar paper has
not been published elsewhere.

The article may address any subject relevant to Logic, be scholarly or
practical, report a work that was explored in depth, and contain
appropriate references to sources and documentation of assertions.

The article must contain 10 to 30 pages, be written in English or
Portuguese, according to the template provided here
https://sbl.org.br/uploads/PNC/template.tex .

The article must be prepared for anonymous review.

The article must be submitted through the address:
premio.ndc.sbl.2...@gmail.com .


The deadline for submission is January 15, 2025.

The result of the award will be announced by April 16, 2025.

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 
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