for a topical issue of *Open Philosophy*

*Open Philosophy* ( invites submissions
for the topical issue "Artificial Intelligence and Philosophical Health,"
edited by Dr Luis de Miranda (University of Turku, Finland).
In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has
sparked intense debate about its impacts on human cognition, society, and
our fundamental understanding of intelligence, purpose and consciousness.
Concurrently, there has been a resurgence of interest in practical
philosophy and its potential to enhance human well-being, as evidenced by
the growing field of philosophical practice and counseling.
The concept of “philosophical health” has emerged in two recent books
(Bloomsbury, 2024) as a holistic framework for understanding and
cultivating human well-being and planetary compossibility through
philosophical practice. It goes beyond mere critical thinking or
reflection, encompassing a comprehensive approach to life that integrates
bodily awareness, self-understanding, a sense of belonging, an appreciation
for possibility, a clear sense of purpose, and a coherent worldview.
This topical issue aims to bring these two cutting-edge areas into
dialogue, exploring the complex interplay between AI and flourishing. As AI
systems become more advanced and pervasive in society, there is a need to
examine how they may impact philosophical health, as well as how
philosophical health approaches, for instance its sense-making methodology,
can inform the ethical development of AI.
Potential topics may include, among others:
- Conceptual foundations of philosophical health and how they might be
reshaped by an AI context.
- AI’s effects on human cognition, reasoning, and sense-making.
- Using AI as a tool for philosophical practice and counseling.
- Ethical considerations in AI design to support philosophical health.
- Comparisons between human and artificial philosophical reasoning.
- Impacts of AI on human autonomy, agency, and self-understanding.
- Cultivating wisdom and philosophical health in an AI-driven world.
We welcome submissions from philosophers, cognitive scientists, AI
researchers, and other relevant disciplines. The goal is to foster
interdisciplinary dialogue on this important emerging area at the
intersection of philosophy, technology, and human flourishing. We will
privilege articles that engage at least minimally, creatively or
critically, with the recent literature in “Philosophical Health”, in
particular the two books,*Philosophical Health: A Practical
Introduction* (Bloomsbury,
2024), and *Philosophical Health: Thinking as a Way of Healing* (Bloomsbury,
Authors publishing their articles in the special issue will benefit from:
· transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review,
· efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De
Gruyter's e-technology.
Because *Open Philosophy* is published under an Open Access model, as a
rule, publication costs should be covered by so-called Article Publishing
Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders, or
Authors without access to publishing funds are encouraged to discuss
potential discounts or waivers with Managing Editor of the journal
Katarzyna Tempczyk ( before submitting
their manuscripts.
Submissions will be collected from February 1 to March 31, 2025.
To submit an article for this special issue of *Open Philosophy*, authors
are asked to access the online submission system at
Please choose as article type: AI and Philosophical Health
Before submission the authors should carefully read over the Instruction
for Authors, available at:

All contributions will undergo critical review before being accepted for
Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Luis de
Miranda at or In case of
technical problems with submission, please contact

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