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The Jury of the "Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations", chaired
by Philip Welch, and the "Initiative for Logic and Foundations (ILOAF
asbl)" are pleased to announce that in 2024 the prize is awarded
jointly to

        * David Asperó and Ralf Schindler *

for their work in the foundations of set theory, and more specifically
their results connecting determinacy principles and strong forcing
axioms exposed in their seminal paper from 2021. 150 years after
Cantor started set theory, this is an essential contribution to a
better understanding of the set concept and its formal consequences.

For more details, see:  https://iloaf.org/dgp2024.html

An online ceremony will be organized in the coming months.

This is the second edition of the "Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and
Foundations", an international research prize launched on the occasion
of Professor Dov Gabbay's 77th birthday 2 years ago. It honours his
extraordinary and multi-faceted scientific and editorial work, which
includes an extensive collection of specialized Logic Handbooks

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