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XXI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2025) - Call for Contributions The Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL) is the main event organized by the Brazilian Logic Society (SBL) and has been occurring since 1979. In 2025, the 21st edition of EBL will be held from May 12 to May 16 at the city of Serra Negra, São Paulo State, preceded by the Logic School from May 9 to May 11 at São Paulo City. We cordially invite submissions of contributed talks, in the form of an extended abstract, on the general topics of Logic, including, but not limited to: - Algebraic Logic - Artificial Intelligence - Categorical Logic - Classical and Non-classical Logics - Computability Theory - Foundations of Computer Science - Foundations of Mathematics - History and Philosophy of Logic - Model Theory - Philosophical Logic - Philosophy of Formal Sciences - Set Theory Proposals for contributions are of three kinds, all of which may be prepared in English, Portuguese or Spanish: (A) Talks In each contributed talk the speaker will have 20 minutes for the oral exposition plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion. (B) Poster The XXI EBL will also host poster sessions, especially suitable for ongoing or early-stage works. (C) Round tables and small workshops We encourage the proponents to get in touch with any of the co-chairs of the Scientific Committee (Lucia Junqueira, Marcelo Coniglio, and Bruno Lopes) for more detailed information on the submission process for such kinds of proposals. Proposals should be prepared according to the LaTeX template available at https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/in%C3%ADcio/call-for-contributions and have a length of at most 2 pages including type (talk/poster/round table/workshop), title, name, affiliation, keywords, and the essential bibliography. The proposal should be submitted via the google form available at https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/in%C3%ADcio/call-for-contributions and both the .pdf and .tex files should be attached. The deadline for all types of submission is December 15, 2024. The Scientific Committee will consider the following criteria in order to select the contributions: - relevance and importance of the topic, - originality, - quality of work. The list of accepted proposals will be announced on February 15, 2025. At least one author of each accepted abstract must register for presenting the work at the meeting. Each given participant may coauthor more than one paper, but will only be allowed to present a single talk. A call for papers for the proceedings of the XXI EBL will be launched after the meeting, see https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/in%C3%ADcio/schedule More information can be found at the website of the Conference: https://ebl2025.ime.usp.br/in%C3%ADcio Marcelo E. Coniglio (Scientific Committee, Chair) Lucia R. Junqueira (Scientific Committee, Chair) Bruno Lopes (Scientific Committee, Chair) -- LOGICA-L Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica <logica-l@dimap.ufrn.br> --- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br. Para acessar esta discussão na web, acesse https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAKuKcnJmxBQ5O9EiOHHr2DJzQpbZYh%2B4Y%2Be0D4PpLyHVzc5aEw%40mail.gmail.com.