Dear Colleague,
You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and 
Religion Webinar Series which will be held on *Aug 15 (THIS THURSDAY), 2024*, 
at *4 pm CET* with the topic:



*Speaker: **William Hasker 
University, USA)

*Chair: * Cristiano Batista (University of Brasilia, Brazil)



Time zones: 10:00 am in New York; 11:00 am in São Paulo; 4:00 pm in Paris; 
5:00 pm in Jerusalem; and 7:30 pm in New Delhi.


Register to get a Zoom link:


Abstract: The Argument from Reason (AFR) claims to show that standard 
naturalistic views of the human person are unable to provide a satisfactory 
explanation of the ability of humans to engage in rational thought. This 
inability puts naturalism at a considerable disadvantage in comparison with 
alternative views such as theism. The AFR assumes that naturalism includes 
the causal closure of the material domain. Most naturalists do make this 
assumption, but a few naturalists, including Graham Oppy, reject causal 
closure and thereby escape from the force of the AFR first stage. This 
paper proceeds with the “second stage” of the AFR, showing that the 
rejection of closure leads to several other consequences that naturalists 
will find unacceptable.




Join us 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the session!
With best wishes,




Francisco de Assis Mariano,
The University of Missouri-Columbia (USA)
LARA Secretary

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