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The First Brazilian Workshop on Algebraic Logic
October 10-11, 2024, São Paulo

The São Paulo Research Foundation <https://fapesp.br/en/about> has among
its expansive policies the promotion of new lines of research in the state
of São Paulo. With this objective we have organized this event with
researchers from Brazil, Argentina and Europe. The event will feature
exhibitions of invited speakers, communications and posters, divided into 2
days. During this period, work meetings will also be held to support joint
projects in development, in addition to being an excellent opportunity for
contacts and establishment of new scientific collaborations.

Another important objective of the event is to encourage the participation
of students interested in all areas of Logic, who will benefit from this
meeting by attending the exhibitions and interacting with the speakers.
This also includes poster sessions, including the work of students in
scientific initiation and post-graduation who are developing their
activities in areas related to the event.

This event is organized with the financial support of São Paulo research
foundation and the institutional support of  the Institute of Mathematics
and Statistics <https://www.ime.usp.br/en/home/> from University of São
Paulo (USP), Brazil. The members of  Young Investigator Grant 21/04883-0
<https://bv.fapesp.br/en/auxilios/112095/paraconsistent-set-theory/> invite
the logic community to participate.


Francisco Miraglia, University of São Paulo

Carles Noguera, University of Siena

Petr Cintula, The Czech Academy of Sciences

Rodrigo Freire, University of Brasília

Martín Figallo, Universidad Nacional del Sur


Lluís Godo, Spanish National Research Council

Itala D'Ottaviano, University of Campinas

Hugo Mariano, University of São Paulo

Umberto Rivieccio, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Juliana Bueno-Soler, University of Campinas

Aldo Figallo Orellano, University of São Paulo

Gustavo Pelaitay, CONICET and Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Verónica Borja Macías, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca


Aldo Figallo Orellano, (Research Fellow) University of São Paulo (Chair)

Hugo Mariano, University of São Paulo (Co-chair)

Itala D'Ottaviano, University of Campinas

Martín Figallo, Universidad Nacional del Sur


Emanuele Santana, (PhD Student) University of São Paulo

Pedro Reis, (PhD  Student) University of São Paulo

Mateus Campos, (Bachelor student) University of São Paulo
Other invited speakers will participate in the event, all the information
about the workshop activities will appear in the final version of the

Call for Abstracts

Contributions will be welcome in all areas of mathematical logic. Authors
must send an abstract with at most one page with the bibliography to be
considered. Depending on the amount of contributions, some could be sent
for presentation in Poster format. It is suggested that those interested in
participating are students of Scientific Initiation (IC, in Portuguese)
and/or recently accepted in a postgraduate program submit a abstract in the
Posters session.


Abstract submission:  05 September 2024

Author notification: 30 September 2024

Submissions should be sent to: wal2024....@gmail.com

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