*Title:* Why the History of Logic Should Matter to Modern Logicians
*07/05/24 - 16:00h*
*Dr. Sara L. Uckelman - Durham University.*

Abstract: The starting point of this talk is the present-day state of
logic, a field which is ever expanding and becoming more inclusive and yet
which still presents systemic barriers of access to certain groups of
people. As logicians we think there is value in the study and practice of
logic, so patterns of exclusion should concern us, in two ways: - Where did
these exclusionary structures come from? - What can we do to get rid of
them? A lot of work has been done on the latter question, as witnessed by
important work done in canon-revision. But the former question is much less
often discussed, and yet, in the context of logic at least, is crucially
important to understanding where we are today and how we got here: How
logic, or the lack thereof, is the tool by which exclusion and inclusion
can be and has been performed. Only by looking at historical answers to
“who gets to have access to logic and why” can we fully understand where we
are at today.

Dr. Sara L. Uckelman is an associate professor of logic at Durham
University. She received her PhD from the Institute for Logic, Language,
and Computation at the University of Amsterdam in 2009, with a dissertation
entitled Modalities in Medieval Logic. After completing her PhD, she held
research positions in Amsterdam, Tilburg, and Heidelberg before coming to
Durham in 2014. Dr. Uckelman is a specialist in modal logic and the history
of logic, especially logic in the Middle Ages.


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