Olá a todos,

Estou escrevendo em nome de Michele Friend para compartilhar com vocês a
convocação de uma conferência que ela está organizando.

Muitos abraços a todos



*(Hybrid) 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems
Sciences <https://www.isss.org/2025-washington-dc/>*
*Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 1, 2024. *

*Dates: * 9 – 13 June 2024
*Location: *Washington D.C.  &  Open Gov Hub <https://www.opengovhub.org/>
This is a hybrid meeting, therefore, one can attend or present in person or

The conference will be followed by a one-day workshop on the 14th June
on* Cybernetics
and Governance*, and this will be followed 15 – 19 June by the* American
Society for Cybernetics Meeting *and 15 – 18 June by the *Archetypes
conference*… All in Washington D.C.

The theme for the conference is* Influence and Responsibility*.
We all have our spheres of influence. As systems scientists we have a
responsibility to let others know about the work we do. The world is a
troubled place, and organizations are trying to navigate in a complex
context. Successful navigation partly depends on having good conceptual
tools that are suited to meet the challenges. Institutions and
organizations have the responsibility to be as well informed as possible
about utility and effectiveness of systems science, cybernetics and
complexity theory. As a species, we cannot afford to make too many more

We are now inviting proposals for papers and workshops, that address the
meeting theme, although papers presenting ongoing systems research and
practice of attendees are also very welcome. In addition to our General
Call, the following Special Integration Groups (SIGs) and Exploratory
Groups will be organizing sessions at the annual meeting. Your papers will
be channeled to one (or more) of these groups for review. These groups are
listed on the ISSS website
<https://www.isss.org/special-integration-groups-sigs/>and include:

   - Action Research
   - Balancing Individualism and Collectivism
   - Systemic Approaches to Crises and Disasters
   - Critical Systems Theory and Practice
   - Designing Educational Systems
   - Digital Product-Service Systems (IS and ICT)
   - Diversity Equity Inclusion
   - General Systems Mathematics and Languaging
   - Health and Systems Thinking
   - Hierarchy Theory
   - Holistic Systems
   - Human Systems Inquiry
   - ISSS RoundTable
   - Systemic Innovation, Engagement, and Leadership
   - Living Systems Science
   - Organizational Transformation and Social Change
   - Relational Science
   - Research towards General Theories of Systems
   - Science, Spirituality and Systems Science
   - Socio-Ecological Systems & Design
   - Students SIG
   - Systemic Design
   - Systemic Ethics
   - Systems Applications in Business and Industry
   - Systems Biology and Evolution Systems
   - Modelling and Systems Engineering
   - Systems Pathology
   - Systems Philosophy

*Submission Details: *We require an abstract as a first submission for
review, and if accepted, you are then welcome to submit a full paper as a
second submission.

Please review the following information before submitting your abstract,
Submissions not meeting these guidelines will be returned to you for
further editing.
Link to Abstract Guidelines <https://www.isss.org/submitting-abstracts/>

Abstracts for paper proposals should be submitted on our Journals
publication website. The link here will take you to the login page. Please
login to access the submission page for the 67th Meeting. If this is your f
irst submission to ISSS, you will have to create your login details and
then finish abstract submission.  Link to Journals Submission Page/

Confirmation of acceptance or rejection is done on a rolling basis and we
endeavor to respond within 3 business days.

*Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 1, 2024. *

*Workshop proposals* should be submitted to Jennifer Makar at ad...@isss.org

The deadline for Workshop Proposals is May 1, 2024


Deadline for Abstract: May 1, 2024
Deadline for Full Paper for review by the Student Paper Award Committee:
June 1, 2024

Please review this information before submitting a paper to the ISSS
Student Awards: Guidance for Student Papers
<https://www.isss.org/student-paper-awards/>, which must also follow
general layout guidance/use of templates, as with any other submission.

* Other Important Deadlines  *

It is helpful to have full papers available online before the conference,
but if not possible, full papers (or full papers edited after feedback
received at conference) can still be uploaded until a final cut-off date to
be determined by the ISSS publications committee.
The date is usually in October and will be communicated.

Full papers may also be considered following the cut-off date for inclusion
in a separate, peer-reviewed process for inclusion in our Yearbook, which
is Part 5 of the Systems Research and Behavioral Science Journal. A
separate call for that process will be made in November 2024.

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