Dear Colleague,

You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and 
Religion Webinar Series which will be held on *March 21 (THIS THURSDAY), 
2024*, at *4 pm CET* with the topic:


*The Open Future Argument*

*Speaker: **Alan Rhoda <>* (Christian Theological 
Seminary, USA)

*Chair: **Assis Mariano <>* (University of 
Missouri-Columbia, USA)


Time zones: 11:00 am in New York; 12:00 pm in Brazil; 4:00 pm in Paris; 
5:00 pm in Jerusalem; and 8:30 pm in New Delhi.


Register to get a zoom link:

Abstract: I am going to present and defend my recently published “open 
future argument” (Open Theism, Cambridge Elements, 2024). The upshot of the 
argument is that if there is future contingency in creation, then 
thoroughgoing open futurism is true, and thus there is nothing in reality 
that picks out a unique actual future. If the argument is sound, then major 
consequences for theology and metaphysics follow (e.g., there is no 
temporally linear block universe; there is no “thin red line” or complete, 
true story of the future; and, if God exists, then the future is open-ended 
from God’s perspective.



With best wishes,




Francisco de Assis Mariano,
The University of Missouri-Columbia (USA)
LARA Secretary


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