*CfA  <https://sites.google.com/view/wcp7>7th World Congress of
Paraconsistency <https://sites.google.com/view/wcp7> (WCP7)*

*September 2-6, 2024.Oaxaca, Mexico.*

*Extended submission deadline: April 1, 2024.*
Paraconsistent logic is a family of theories on what can be logically
concluded from contradictions, different from the family of theories
according to which contradictions entail everything. By touching on core
areas of theoretical inquiry, such as truth, falsity, logicality, negation,
or rationality, paraconsistent logic has opened new research directions in
philosophy, science, and technology.
Within the tradition of previous world congresses on paraconsistency, WCP7
aims to show the importance of paraconsistent logic, its connection with
other knowledge domains, and the variety of approaches to the topic.

*Venue:  *The WCP7 will take place at the Universidad Benito Juárez de
Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico).

*Keynote speakers*

   - Eduardo Barrio (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
   - Diderik Batens (Ghent University, Belgium) | *Batens symposium*
   - Katalin Bimbó (University of Alberta, Canada)
   - Veronica Borja Macias (Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca)
   - Elena Ficara (Universität Paderborn, Germany)
   - David Gaytán (Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, Mexico)
   - João Marcos (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)


   - “Symbolization of contradiction”, Jean-Yves Béziau and Caroline Pires
   Ting (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
   - TBA, Bryson Brown
   - “Recent work on paraconsistent logic”, Luis Estrada-González

*Call for Abstracts*We welcome contributions on the different aspects of
paraconsistency. Topics include but are not limited to the following:

   - Particular systems of paraconsistent logic
   - General tools and frameworks for paraconsistent systems
   - Interactions of paraconsistent logic with other logics
   - Philosophical issues in paraconsistency
   - Applications of paraconsistent logic
   - History of paraconsistent logic
   - Paraconsistency and computation.

There will also be a half-day symposium within WCP7 celebrating the *80
years of Diderik Batens*. Any submission on the scope of Diderik's wide
interests (adaptive logics, rationality, problem-solving processes,
defeasible reasoning, logical dynamics, set theory, proper semantics,
etc.). We welcome submissions to this symposium.

Submissions should be anonymized 300- to 700-word abstracts and be sent to
submissions7...@gmail.com, indicating clearly in case it is intended for
the Batens' symposium. Contact details, including paper title, affiliation,
and email address, should be submitted as a separate PDF.

*All submissions will be anonymously refereed.*

*Some contributions may be accepted for presentation in a poster session.*

*Important dates*
*Extended submission deadline: April 1, 2024.**Notification of decision:
April 30, 2024.*

*Conference fees*

   - Early bird registration (by July 15th): 50 USD (for students) and 100
   USD (for other participants)
   - After July 15th: 75 USD (for students) and 150 USD (for other
   - Attendance and participation (if accepted) are free for Mexican

This includes conference materials and coffee breaks.
The conference fee does not include accommodation or meals.

*+info:* submissions7...@gmail.com,  https://sites.google.com/view/wcp7

Luis Estrada-González (UNAM, Mexico) (Co-chair)
María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz (UNAM, Mexico) (Chair)
Jean-Yves Béziau (UFRJ, Brazil)
Ítala D’Ottaviano (Unicamp, Brazil)
Evandro Luis Gomes (UEM, Brazil)

*Local organizing committee*María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz (UNAM, Mexico)
Alfonso Gazga Flores (IIH-UABJO, Mexico) (Chair)
Débora Anel Vásquez Reyes (IIH-UABJO, Mexico)
Cinthya Ramos (IIH-UABJO, Mexico)

*Scientific Committee*
Jc Beall (Notre Dame, Indiana, United States)
Walter Carnielli (Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil)
Marcelo Esteban Coniglio (Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil)
Maureen Eckert (Dartmouth, United States)
Tomasz Jarmużek (Toruń, Poland)
Edwin Mares (Wellington, New Zealand)
Joke Meheus (Gent, Belgium)
Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska (Toruń, Poland)
Marek Nasieniewski (Toruń, Poland)
Francesco Paoli (Cagliari, Italy)
Graham Priest (New York, United States)
David Ripley (Canberra, Australia)
Natalya Tomova (Moscow, Russia)
Peter Verdée (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
Heinrich Wansing (Bochum, Germany)
Zach Weber (Otago, New Zealand)
Anna Zamansky (Haifa, Israel)

*María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz*
Postdoctoral fellow
Institute for Philosophical Research-UNAM

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