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Registration open
Contributed talks deadline extended
Student travel grants deadline approaching
Scientific Programme available

Logic Colloquium 2024
Gothenburg, Sweden
24-28 June 2024
web: http://lc2024.se
contact: i...@lc2024.se

The Logic Colloquium is the European Summer Meeting of the Association
for Symbolic Logic, an annual gathering to present current research in
all aspects of logic. In 2024, the meeting will be held 24-28 June at
the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

29 February 2024: Deadline for ASL student travel applications
1 March (extended to 8 March): Deadline for contributed talks
28 March: Notification of student travel grants
2 April: Notification of acceptance of contributed talks
17 April: Early registration deadline
24-28 June: Conference

Scientific Programme
The 2024 meeting will comprise 28 invited talks. In addition, the 2024
Gödel Lecture will be delivered at the meeting. Programme available
from https://lc2024.se/program/

- Anuj Dawar, University of Cambridge: Model theory of tame classes of
finite structures
- Alberto Marcone, Università Di Udine: WQOs and BQOs in logic
- Andrei Sipoș, University of Bucharest: An exploration of proof mining

Plenary talks
- Daisuke Bekki, Ochanomizu University: From Dependent Types to
Natural Language Semantics
- Johanna Franklin, Hofstra University: Structural highness notions
- James Freitag, University of Illinois at Chicago: When any three
solutions are independent
- Marianna Girlando, University of Amsterdam: A decision algorithm for
intuitionistic S4
- Stephen Jackson, University of North Texas: Recent advances in the
combinatorics of determinacy models
- Leszek Kołodziejczyk, University of Warsaw: Models of arithmetic
that satisfy more collection than induction
- Paul-André Melliès, Université Paris Denis Diderot: Recent advances
in higher-order automata and profinite lambda-calculus

Gödel Lecture
Thomas Scanlon, University of California at Berkeley

Special Sessions
Applied Model Theory, chairs: Gareth Jones and Tamara Servi
- Vincent Bagayoko, Université Paris Cité
- Anna Dmitrieva, University of East Anglia
- Adele Padgett, McMaster University

Computable Structures, chairs: Uri Andrews and Julia Knight
- Meng-Che (Turbo) Ho, California State University
- Matthew Harrison-Trainor, University of Illinois
- David Gonzalez, University of California, Berkeley

Logic, Language and Computation, chairs: Robin Cooper and Stergios
- Kristina Liefke, Ruhr-University, Bochum
- Zhaohui Luo, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Peter Sutton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Logic in Philosophy, chairs: Volker Halbach and Heinrich Wansing
- Agata Ciabattoni, Technische Universität Wien
- Andrzej Indrzejczak, University of Łódź
- Johannes Stern, University of Bristol

Proof Theory, chairs: Anton Freund and Sonia Marin
- Valentin Blot, ENS Paris-Saclay
- Lukas Melgaard, University of Birmingham
- Takako Nemoto, Tohuku University

Set Theory, chairs: Dana Bartošová and Slawomir Solecki
- Tamás Kátay, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
- Claudio Agostini, Technische Universität Wien
- Chris Lambie-Hanson, Czech Academy of Sciences

Contributed Talks
The programme committee invites proposals for contributed talks. These
can be on published or unpublished work, as well as work in progress.
Instructions for submission will be made available through the
conference webpage.

Abstracts for contributed talks should conform to the Rules for
Abstracts of the ASL and papers must be prepared using ASL template
and class which is from the conference webpages

Programme Committee
Bahareh Afshari (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Gal Binyamini (Jerusalem, Israel)
Natasha Dobrinen (Notre Dame, USA)
Ulrich Kohlenbach (Darmstadt, Germany)(chair)
Keng Meng Ng (Singapore)
Francesca Poggiolesi (Paris, France)
Mehrnoosh Sadrazadeh (London, UK)
Reed Solomon (Connecticut, USA)
Szymon Toruńczyk (Warsaw, Poland)

All lectures and talks will take place in Humanisten Building,
Renströmsgatan 6, 41255 Göteborg. This is a new and stylish building
with all rooms integrated with conference equipment. The venue is 5
minutes from a large transport interchange (Korsvägen) and 15 walk to
the centre of Gothenburg.

Early registration closes on 17 April. Please follow the instructions
on the homepage.

3500 SEK Standard
2500 SEK Student

ASL Student travel award
Graduate students and recent PhDs may apply for ASL travel support.
Student travel award applications (with accompanying recommendation
letters) should be emailed to i...@lc2024.se no later than February
29, 2024. See the webpage for full instructions.

Local organising committee
Bahareh Afshari (chair), Giacomo Barlucchi, Rasmus Blanck, Gianluca
Curzi, Fredrik Engström, Tjeerd Fokkens, Mattias Granberg Olsson,
Martin Kaså, Graham E. Leigh, Ivan Di Liberti, Orvar Lorimer Olsson,
Dominik Wehr

Association for Symbolic Logic
The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science,
University of Gothenburg
Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability, University of


Fredrik Engström

Associate Professor of Logic | Universitetslektor och docent i logik

Deputy Dean | Prodekan

Dep. of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science

Faculty of Humanities

University of Gothenburg

+46 - 31 - 786 6335

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