Pra pessoas interessadas em formalizacao da matematica e prova automatica de teoremas! abs Valeria
================== The Hausdorff Trimester "Prospects of Formalized Mathematics" will organize a "School of Formalized Mathematics" (May 13 - 17, 2024). This is targeted towards junior researchers and Mathematicians with little prior exposure to Formalization and Automated Theorem Proving and any who are interested in this technology. Prospective participants can still apply at [1] DEADLINE: Jan. 31. 2024 (CET). At the school the major theorem proving systems and libraries are introduced by their developers. We envision it to be quite informal, hands-on, and interactive. We plan to have plenary sessions in the mornings 9-11 on Monday May 13 to introduce the systems in a ca. 20 min lightning talks, and in the remaining days present specific aspects of general interest of the systems (please volunteer two topics) in 40 min presentations. In the afternoons we will form small groups that get their hands dirty in specific formalization projects. [1] [2] https:// -- Valeria de Paiva -- LOGICA-L Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica <> --- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para Para acessar esta discussão na web, acesse