Dear Colleague,

You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and 
Religion Webinar Series which will be held on *October 19, 2023*, at *4pm 
CET* with the topic:


*Why doesn't Candomblé have a Problem of Evil? *

*Speaker*: José Eduardo Porcher <> (Pontifical 
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

*Chair*: Ricardo Silvestre <> 
University of Campina Grande, Brazil)


Please, register to receive a zoom link:

Abstract: In this talk, I would like to do two things: first, to look at 
mythic narratives and try to pry from them a reasonably uncontroversial set 
of attributes of the Supreme Being of Yoruba-diasporic traditions and see 
if this explains the inexistence of the problem of evil in Candomblé; and 
second, by so doing, to call attention to how myths can enrich and be 
instrumental to the philosophy of religion—especially in contexts in which 
other sources are sparse. Moreover, I’d like to take this opportunity to 
exemplify that we can shed light on neglected traditions by trying to 
figure out why these problems are not raised within them—rather than trying 
to make a tradition fit the classical problems formulated by an 
overwhelmingly theistic (and more specifically, Christian) philosophy of 



Join us 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the session!
With best wishes,



Francisco de Assis Mariano 
The University of Missouri-Columbia
LARA Secretary

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