Dear Colleague,
You are invited to participate in the next session of the Logic and Religion Webinar Series which will be held on April 14, 2022, at 4pm CET with the topic: Theist and Atheist Arguments in Indian Philosophy *Speaker*: Sachchidanand Mishra (Benares Hindu University, India) *Chair*: Agnieszka Rostalska (Ghent University, Belgium) Please register in advance! Abstract: For a long time, philosophers have been proposing arguments to prove or to deny the existence of God. This attitude can be witnessed in western philosophy as well as in Indian Philosophy. In Indian philosophy, the theist arguments are put forward mainly by the Nyāya Vaiśeṣika school. Only a few arguments are proposed by the Yoga Philosophers. But if there is a debate between the theist and atheist, the onus is on the theist to prove God's existence. The atheist only has to show that the arguments are not capable of proving the existence of God conclusively. This is the dominant attitude in Indian Philosophy. The Cārvāka, the Buddhists, the Jainas, the Sāṅkhyas, and even the Mīmāṁsakas and the Vedāntins have put forward atheist arguments to prove the incapability of the theist arguments in proving the existence of God. In this webinar, I would try to evaluate the arguments from both sides as presented by Indian philosophers. With best wishes, Francisco de Assis Mariano The University of Missouri-Columbia LARA Secretary -- LOGICA-L Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica <> --- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse