Dear everybody, for the celebration of the Cantor centenary, there will be two parallel events, at USP and at Unicamp, that will commemorate also the one hundred years of the birth of Abraham Robinson. The IME-USP will host a week of minicourses, 3-6 December, on the subject of Forcing Axioms, Large Cardinals, and Robinson Forcing. The IMECC-Unicamp will host a conference on related topics during the days 12-15 December. The event is sponsored by USP, Unicamp, and Fapesp and it is patrocinated by the SBL, the ASL, and the ESTS. Attendance is free.
Best, Giorgio Venturi CANTOR MEETS ROBINSON *Set theory, model theory and their philosophy* São Paulo-Campinas December, 2018 *Mini-courses* University of São Paulo - IME São Paulo, 3-6 December, 2018 A series of three mini-courses will be held the week before the conference on the following topics: - Large Cardinals (Joan Bagaria, Universitat de Barcelona) - Robinson Forcing (Ricardo Bianconi, Universidade de São Paulo) - Forcing Axioms (Boban Veličković, Univeristé Paris Diderot) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *Conference* University of Campinas - IMECC Campinas, 12-15 December 2018 Georg Cantor (1845-1918) is widely recognized as the creator of set theory and one of the most important figures in the development of a modern approach to mathematics. Abraham Robinson (1918-1974) is considered a prominent personality in model theory, a field that he helped to innovate with new techniques and results. In this conference we celebrate the centenary of the year 1918, when they ideally met and the torch was passed. The topic of the conference is the interplay between set theory and model theory, both from a mathematical and a philosophical perspective, with particular emphasis on the method of forcing. This method, invented by Cohen in 1963, facilitated not only a proof of the independence of the Continuum Hypothesis, but also placed at the center of set theory the study of its models. Its model theoretic version, invented by Robinson, attempts to generalize the notion of algebraic closed fields to other areas of mathematics. The conferece aims to gather early career scholars in order to foster collaborations and to present a wide perspective on the topics that Cantor and Robinson helped to create and develop. *Invited Speakers* David Asperó (University of East Anglia) Joan Bagaria (Universitat de Barcelona) Neil Barton (Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic) Marcelo Coniglio (Universidade de Campinas) Rodrigo Freire (Universidade de Brasília) Samuel Gomes da Silva (Universidade Federal da Bahia) Lúcia Junqueira (Universidade de São Paulo) Alexandre Miquel (Universidad de la República) Hugo Mariano (Universidade de São Paulo) Francisco Miraglia (Universidade de São Paulo) Carlos di Prisco (Los Andes University) Boban Velickovic (Université Paris Diderot) Matteo Viale (Univeristà di Torino) Andrés Villaveces (Los Andes University) *Important dates* Mini-Courses: *December 3-7, 2018.* Conference dates:* December 12-15, 2018.* *Registration* Attendance is free. For organizational reasons registration by email is recommended. Participation can be confirmed by writing to <> *Conference scientific committee *Ofélia Alas (Universidade de São Paulo) Riccardo Bianconi (Universidade de São Paulo) Christina Brech (Universidade de São Paulo) Mirna Dzamonja (University of East Anglia) Wilfrid Hodges (Kings College, University of London) Luca Incurvati (University of Amsterdam) Toby Meadows (University of Queensland) Carlos di Prisco (Los Andes University) Sean Walsh (University of California in Los Angeles) *Local Organizing Committee* Rodrigo Freire Hugo Mariano Cezar Mortari Giorgio Venturi (chair) Edgar Almeida Edson Bezerra Santiago Jockwich João Vitor Smith Bruno Ramos *Sponsored by* FAPESP, FAEPEX, SBL *Under the auspices of* Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL) Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) European Set Theory Society (ESTS) -- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para Para postar neste grupo, envie um e-mail para Visite este grupo em Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse