(from Mihaela Rozman <mihaela.roz...@tuwien.ac.at>) Female students in the field of computer science (CS) who plan to pursue (or are currently pursuing) one of the master‘s programs in Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology – TU Wien taught in English are invited to apply for the annually awarded Helmut Veith Stipend. The computer science department at Vienna University of Technology – TU Wien, has been ranked among the 70 world´s best (THE Times Higher Education Ranking).
The annually awarded Helmut Veith Stipend for female master students is dedicated to the memory of an outstanding computer scientist who worked in the fields of logic in computer science, computer-aided verification, software engineering, and computer security. – Professor Helmut Veith (1971-2016). The Helmut Veith Stipend was established with generous support of TU Wien, Wolfgang Pauli Institute and with contributions by family and friends of the late Helmut Veith. BENEFITS -EUR 6000 per year -Waiver of tuition fees at TU Wien LOCATION OF MASTER STUDY For study in Austria, at Vienna University of Technology – TU Wien FOR FIELD OF STUDY Applicants must be eligible for admission to one of the master’s programs in computer science at Vienna University of technology - TU Wien that are taught in English. In 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 those are: • Master in Logic and Computation • Master in Business Informatics; • Master in Computational Logic • Master in Computer Engineering (Technische Informatik) APPLICATION Applications for funding can be filed before or in parallel with the admissions process. Your application must be submitted electronically to mas...@logic-cs.at as a single PDF document, by November 30, 2018. DEADLINE November 30, 2018. INQUIRES Electronically to mas...@logic-cs.at WEBSITE http://www.vcla.at/2018/05/call-for-applications-helmut-veith-stipend-for-female-masters-students-in-computer-science DOWNLOAD THE FLYER http://forsyte.at/helmut-veith-stipend/ -- Elaine. ------------------------------------------------- Elaine Pimentel - DMAT/UFRN Address: Departamento de Matemática Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Campus Universitário - Av. Senador Salgado Filho, s/nº Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59.078-970 - Natal - RN Phone: +55 84 3215-3820 http://sites.google.com/site/elainepimentel/ Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3298246411086415 -------------------------------------------------------- -- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br. Para postar neste grupo, envie um e-mail para logica-l@dimap.ufrn.br. Visite este grupo em https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/group/logica-l/. Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAHQVs%2BWDtbcEFwDZZ-MsxUoA7KaooqLdY7a75yuEt%3D7vtLyNLg%40mail.gmail.com.