Outra notícia *extremamente* triste :(

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 23 August 2018 13:34
> Subject: Roy Dyckhoff
> Colleagues,
> I'm sorry to have to tell you that our friend and colleague Roy Dyckhoff
> died in hospital earlier this morning. He had been diagnosed with acute
> myeloid leukemia, which was being managed through blood transfusions.
> His death was however sudden and unexpected.
> Roy worked in logic and proof theory, having begun his career at Oxford
> as a topologist and category theorist (for which one of his thesis
> advisors was Dana Scott). Much of his work concerned various aspects of
> intuitionistic logic, but he also contributed to work in programming
> languages, type theory, natural language processing, and model checking.
> He was also instrumental in changing the peal of the bells in St
> Salvator's chapel, the college church of the University, which he
> frequently rang at graduations and other events.
> Roy had retired from St Andrews but retained an honorary position with
> us, and was a frequent visitor and seminar-goer until very recently.
> We'll remember him as someone who was always ready to dive into deep
> mathematical or philosophical discussions, as well as being someone who
> could explain the essence of advanced mathematical concepts even to
> those with a lot less mathematical sophistication than he himself
> possessed. His engagement with the School and the wider academic
> community in Scotland and worldwide should have gone on for much longer
> than it did, and we'll miss the conversations and interactions that
> we'll no longer have with him.
> I have no information about funeral or other arrangements yet.
> Best regards,
> -- Simon
> Professor Simon Dobson
> Head of School for Computer Science
> University of St Andrews
> e: hos...@st-andrews.ac.uk
> t: +44 1334 461626

Elaine Pimentel  - DMAT/UFRN

Address: Departamento de Matemática
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
    Campus Universitário - Av. Senador Salgado Filho, s/nº
    Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59.078-970 - Natal - RN

Phone: +55 84 3215-3820

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3298246411086415

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