Greetings Ubuntu World,

There will be Jam!

We are planning our next Ubuntu Global Jam (for the S series release) to
occur on:

    Friday September 13, 2013
    Saturday September 14, 2013
    Sunday September 15, 2013

Please mark your calendars and tell everyone you know to *start planning
now*. Please put a placeholder on your calendars and also at:

    (Friendly suggestion: Do not let other events or activities
    interfere with that weekend! Jam instead :)

Please reach out to people in your communities and think about what
you'd like to do at an event: Packaging, testing, translations,
documentation, advertising/marketing, building community through social
events... everything is welcome! No jam is too small. No idea is too
wacky... and jam tastes great! ;)

Good documentation about how to create a successful Global Jam event is

A short video explaining the most basic steps is here:

With over 5 months of advance notice, we should be able to make this
Ubuntu Global Jam a really big and fun one! Can we set a record?

Thanks in advance for jamming.

Global Jam Buzz Guy.

PS: Now all we need is an adjective and an animal beginning with "S"
from our fearless leader. We wait...

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