Le 03/03/2013 19:52, José Antonio Rey a écrit :
Same thing happens here. Luckily, Ubuntu-PE hasn't been having
troubles with CDs/DVDs, but every time they're coming I have to fully
explain what they're for. Having USB sticks sent would be a much more
difficult thing, as Pablo said.

Going back a bit on the thread, some people here still use the
CDs/DVDs, as they have low bandwidth or even no Internet connection
where they want to install.

I would think stickers are a much more affordable and convenient way
to *promote* Ubuntu. CDs and DVDs aren't used that much to promote,
but they still serve as a way to demonstrate that you're giving
something 'official' during events (in case you want to make some
copies), or when you want to go and show it to universities,
businesses, and others.

A total +1.

José Antonio Rey
@ Laura: Is it these stickers folks are talking about ? - http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=718
yes I'm speaking about this stickers.


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