/me have just added the counter to our site:



On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Amir Eldor <amir.el...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I did some changes with my team to the script!
>  - It's localized to Hebrew now and thus has `direction: rtl` in the CSS.
> Just remove that line or change to `ltr` for LTR languages :)
>  - The countdown for "days already here!" was fixed to not show a "-" sign
> (negative days). Not sure if this was intended by the original scripter
>  - Some indentation was made
>  - HTML5 compliance
>  - The url of the image in the CSS is not absolute now.
>  - more? (
> The JavaScript can be further optimized but I don't feel like doing that
> right now :)
> The new script is attached, with a git repository in it :), but I forgot
> to commit the original version of the script :(.
> I've added it to our test website at http://staging.ubuntu-il.org/ with
> the following code (make changes so it fits your site):
> <div style="text-align: center" ><iframe width="119" height="110"
> frameBorder="0" src="http://staging.ubuntu-il.org/countdown-he/count.html
> "></iframe></div>
> Can someone test it on several browsers? I only tested it in Firefox and
> would like to know if it also works on Chrome and version of IE since at
> least IE8. If it all looks good we can add it to the production website.
> Thanks!
> Amir
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM, George Christofis <geoch...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Thanks for the good words...
>> If any team decide to use the countdown banner, we would like to show us
>> your website with the banner...
>> 2012/9/26 Sergio Meneses <sergioandresmene...@gmail.com>
>>> Congratulations! It's awesome I'm going to share it with my LoCo team.
>>> Sergio Meneses
>>> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Amir Eldor <amir.el...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi George!
>>>> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:58 PM, George Christofis 
>>>> <geoch...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi mates,
>>>>> the Greek community has created a countdown banner for 12.10 which is
>>>>> used in our forum : https://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/
>>>>> If you like the banner, you are free to add it in your website doing the
>>>>> followings 4 steps in order to have the banner in your language :
>>>> This is great, thanks for sharing!
>>>> Amir
>>>>> 1) Make the changes in the code (you can find it here inside the
>>>>> spoiler-> https://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=24766 )
>>>>> The changes that you must do are in the 3 lines that are in Greek
>>>>> language.
>>>>> *For example* for the Engligh language, you must replace the
>>>>> followings:
>>>>> ημέρα ακόμα -> day left
>>>>> ημέρες ακόμα -> days left
>>>>> είναι εδώ -> is here
>>>>> 2) Save the code and the image
>>>>> https://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/countdown.png in your server
>>>>> 3) Replace the path of the image that you save in the code
>>>>> 4) Put the following in your website but with your own path of
>>>>> count.html
>>>>> <iframe src="http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/count.html"; style="width:
>>>>> 130px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
>>>>> 5) Enjoy the banner!
>>>>> Or else you can have the countdown in Greek language without any
>>>>> changes, just copied the following code :
>>>>> <iframe src="http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/count.html"; style="width:
>>>>> 130px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
>>>>> George Christofis
>>>>> Ubuntu Greece
>>>>> --
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