Dear LoCo Contacts and Teams,

We on the LoCo Council are being faced with the challenge of replacing two of our current Council members. A special thanks to Paolo and Greg for all of the great contributions they have made while serving with us on the LoCo Council.

Towards the end of last October, we put out a call for nominations for re-staffing the LoCo Council. Due to the amount of time that has passed, we thought it would be good to make another call for nominations. This new call for nominations would help ensure those who were nominated or had expressed an interest in being a part of the LoCo Council, would still have both the time and desire to join our team.

So with that in mind, we are writing this e-mail to ask for volunteers to step forward and nominate themselves or another contributor for the two open positions. The LoCo Council is defined on our wiki page.

Team Agenda:

Typically, we meet up once a month in IRC to go through items on the team agenda. This involves approving new LoCo Teams, Re-approval of Approved LoCo Teams, resolving issues within Teams, approving LoCo Team mailing list requests, and anything else that comes along.

We have the following requirements for Nominees:
  - Be an Ubuntu member
  - Be available during typical meeting times of the council
- Insight into the culture(s) and typical activities within teams is a plus
Here is a descriptionof the current LoCo Council:

They are current Ubuntu Members with a proven track record of activity in the community. They have shown themselves over time to be able to work well with others, and display the positive aspects of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. They should be people who can judge contribution quality without emotion while engaging in an interview/discussion that communicates interest, a welcoming atmosphere, and which is marked by humanity, gentleness, and kindness.

If this sounds like you, or a person you know, please e-mail the LoCo Council with your nomination(s) using the following e-mail address: loco-council<at> Please include a few lines about yourself, or whom you're nominating, so we can get a good idea of why you/they'd like to join the council, and why you feel that you/they should be considered. If you plan on nominating another person, please let them know, so they are aware.

The time frame for this process is as follows:

Nominations will open: August31, 2012

Nominations will close: September13, 2012

We will then forward the nominations to the CC, Requestingthey take the following week to make their selections (hopefully by their meeting on September 20,2012).

Date new council members will be announced: September 21, 2012

Thanks for your time,

Chris Crisafulli
On behalf of the LoCo Council

Team Contacts, Please forward this on to your teams - Thanks!

loco-contacts mailing list

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