On 18 March 2012 23:52, Søren Bredlund Caspersen <soeren-...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hello all
> Long story short: By the end of the month Facebook will change the
> design of all 'pages' to the new TimeLine look.
> So our LoCo team could use a 'cover' photo, with the right dimensions,
> and some cool Ubuntu graphics. Other people out there must be facing
> the same problem. Does anyone have some nice ready-made cover photos
> that we can use for our FB page?
> Cheers
> Søren
> --
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> loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com
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I'm not completely up to date with what FaceBook does, fortunately our
team has a number of people who can educate me as we go. What one of
these guru's has done is taken the Ubuntu-AU team logo and just add
some Ubuntu font text. Purely as an example feel free to check out
http://is.gd/tM8txy and see if it's some inspiration or not. It's
probably not the best visual design ever but at least it's something
to start with.


Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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