Thanks - sounds fun, Laura. For those wondering what blueprint work items are, here are some links that might be useful.
WorkItemsHowto - Ubuntu Wiki (this describes the normal format in the whiteboard) work-items-tracker in Launchpad (a tool for tracking work items) Status for all teams (pretty graph of progress on Precise) Yay team! Neal McBurnett On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 03:18:32PM +0000, Laura Czajkowski wrote: > From today, Launchpad has native support for blueprint work items. > This means that, rather than tracking work items in a blueprint's whiteboard, > you can use a dedicated work items box. > > Work items still work the same that you're used to, except that soon we'll be > adding tools to make use of work item data right from within Launchpad. > > What happens to existing blueprints that have work items > > Tomorrow, we'll take existing work items from blueprints' whiteboards and > convert them into native work items. If a blueprint's work items don't follow > the exact work item methods, they might not convert. > > If you have a blueprint that was registered in the past six months, and it > didn't convert, we'll email you to let you know. If you have older blueprints > that still interest you, please check them. > > We'll announce work items on the Launchpad blog [0] once they're fully > released. In the mean time, please do let us know how you get on. We'd love to > hear from you in #launchpad on Freenode or by email to > Please pass this onto your locoteams who may use > blueprints for their activities. > > [o] > > > Laura > > -- > Laura Czajkowski > Launchpad Support Specialist > > -- > loco-contacts mailing list > > -- loco-contacts mailing list