Il 26/10/2011 18:00, Greg Grossmeier ha scritto:
>> If your LoCo partecipated in any form in testing during Oneiric cycle
>> please send me some infos about it. I would like to show data from LoCo
>> around the world, if possible.
> What kinds of data do you want? Number of participants? Number of 
> computers tested? Number of bugs? Number of times we did this? Some of 
> those numbers are easier to report on than others.
Anything you can provide. :)

How many people involved in testing, if you do tests together as a team
or just some member on their own, if you have a mailing list for
testing, if you translated some resources in your language, etc.

For the Italian Team I've detailed (1) data but I'm expecting we're an
exception :)

(1) Previous UDS:

Thanks in advance
Paolo Sammicheli
EMail: xdatap1(at)
- Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

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